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One thing..... the Skins are because of mojang not MCGamerHere's my opinion of the update: The fact that you are able to disable the holograms, is good. Alot of people get lag from this, and you saw this, so you corrected it
Everything else I like, apart from the fact that you can no longer have your own skin, you spawn eggs when sneaking and weapons such as swords are fish. Really to me, this makes no sense and it's not as fun. This is just my opinion. I mean, the server finder is absolutely great. Although some things... are a little bit strange.
Are you having a giggle? Exploding podiums are the bestWhat I like -
What I don't like -
- Quick Join
- Improved disguise
What I don't care about -
- Sword-Fish
- Explodiums
- Pink Chat
People are saying the purple chat is from last year's April Fool's. I haven't been in the community too long, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out some (or most, dunno) things in this update are April Fool's jokes, which has ended here in Australia anyway. Anyway, Happy April Fool's I guess!?
- Holograms
- Egg-laying
- Meet Chad
- Inverted hub jump pads.
Half the game dies, it's too easy. Got me a bunch as well. Probably will be removed soon though, so I'm gladAre you having a giggle? Exploding podiums is the best