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Map Likelihood


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
None of the maps we have right now are bad. None of them. It's extremely irritating to see excellently-made maps being literally abused by players because they're bad at them, due to lack of experience. In a single day, I saw people saying that they hated Survival Games 2, Solar Frost, Hungry Hills and Survival Kingdom, and that they were all terrible maps. When asked why, they barely gave an answer at all.
It's not even just lack of experience...I will openly admit to being one to very often vote for SG 4 and Breeze over many other things. (except Survival Kingdom. <3) The reason for this: short games filled with action around every corner.

I like short games. It makes it so I don't have to sit there at my computer for a long period of time, just randomly wandering around looking for the remaining tributes to start deathmatch. (Plus, it helps me climb the leaderboards - probably why all of us on the top of the leaderboards always vote SG4/Breeze.)

Plus, I love lots of action. It's not boring, it's interesting, different, intense and keeps you on edge. It really helps me improve a lot too. These days, you'll see me doing things like using a fishing rod a lot even in land combat, more so than the bow, and I use it offensively instead of just defensively, something you'll never see almost anyone else ever do, and this is simply because I've been doing so much PvP due to small maps that I have had tons and tons of time to practice. Surely, more won't hurt, and plus, I have a higher chance to win when I only have to rely on my PvP skill instead of chest routes. <3

What do I suggest about this? The time limit on game should be 20 minutes again. A full day, and a full night, then deathmatch. This is only about 5 minutes longer than the games of Breeze and SG4 and it can make people start enjoying the other maps again without removing or "nerfing" the Breeze and SG4 options. As well, I suggest that community map makers start making their maps smaller, (Not Breeze small, SG4 small.) because then at least we'll have some variety to the small maps instead of just the same two.

And also, if we remove the skip option then more variety would occur, and more maps to be chosen.
I never was a fan of the skip option myself. As it stands right now, you can literally toggle through every map until you find the desired one. Honestly, if we keep skip, it should be a one time thing, then you cannot skip anymore. Maybe that's just me, though.


Jun 6, 2012
Reaction score
Another point that I would like to address is people like me. I personally do not enjoy doing the same thing over and over again. Grinding in games bores me to death, and the same map over and over again gives you limited options. I do not play for wins or points, but for fun. Though the people who enjoy collecting masses of points and kills also enjoy small maps where they know tricks and secrets, it should not affect how the community as a whole plays.

Almost every time a new map has come out, I have not been able to play on the day of release. Then, in-lobby, I ask how the new maps are and if we could play them. Most of the time I'm met with an on slot of 'they suck' and 'i hate them' type messages. Maybe people base their votes off of the few people that actually dislike the new maps...?

On the rare occasion of actually being able to play a new map I haven't played yet, I always enjoy myself. It's like going adventuring, and not like the monotony of chores, which is how playing the same map over and over again feels (oh, this place again).

So it is my preference to have almost random map selection. Removing the skip option would delight me greatly.

TL;DR: I dislike playing maps over and over, and enjoy new map experiences.

What do I suggest about this? The time limit on game should be 20 minutes again. A full day, and a full night, then deathmatch. This is only about 5 minutes longer than the games of Breeze and SG4 and it can make people start enjoying the other maps again without removing or "nerfing" the Breeze and SG4 options. As well, I suggest that community map makers start making their maps smaller, (Not Breeze small, SG4 small.) because then at least we'll have some variety to the small maps instead of just the same two.

Wonderful idea there, it would make both the people looking for something new AND the kill/win grabbers happy. It would make new maps even more exciting, as it would add a feeling of rush. We definitely need this in the games, it would keep death matches more interesting, as well. Imagining six or seven leather-clad tributes running around trying to kill each other instead of the usual one man army versus a couple of weaklings. One of the best ideas I've heard of in a while to actually improve gameplay.


District 13
May 26, 2012
Reaction score
You appear to be able to track the amount of kills, players, etc. So why not track the amount of times each map is played, and make a map that's played more often less likely to show up in the list? And maybe shorten the amount of skips to 1. It is nice to play on something other than SG4 or Breeze Island.
:mad::mad:Dat Signature:mad::mad:


District 13
Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
i think the chance of the map "breeze" or sg 4 its over played

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