I agree with the overall message of this video, however I think making it Dave-centric tuned down the level of how broad it could've been.
Don't get me wrong- Dave has gotten his fair share of insults, hate, and other things from members of this community, which need to be addressed, however there are a lot of other staff members who take heat- maybe less publicly, but still take plenty. Heck, even normal members of the community are abused every day, and I think this could've been made a bit more broad as to address all of that, instead of just Dave.
First things first, this whole
"corruption" thing has gotten so unbelievably out of hand. It's almost become a trend to think the staff is "corrupt and unfit for their jobs" and so many people have decided to hop right on that bandwagon with absolutely no prior knowledge whatsoever regarding the situation, or what they're even protesting.
I would bet good money half of the people to claim against Dave, or other staff members have little to no idea what that person has done wrong, and are only saying something because a friend, clan member, or popular community member has made a statement. Trust me, I've experienced this first hand. It's incredibly easy to succumb to external influences- basically, believe what you hear others say, with no real facts to prove such claims.
Some things I've read that have been said about Dave, other staff members, or just community members are absolutely disgusting. People seem to have absolutely no sense of other people's feelings, and it's apparently become a 'joke' to think of every swear word you can to call that person, and accuse them of absurd things. Personally, if I ever received some of what I've seen people say to others, I'd never log back onto MCSG. I'm not talking about people who are legitimately bringing up points, and trying to work things out, I'm talking about the people who typically have no idea what they're talking about, and throw every insult possible at someone, only to boast and brag to their friends about how they
"really told off ___" and how
"I'm sure I'll get banned because of corruption, but it was worth it!"
This brings up yet another point which fuels this mess- the fact people think "freedom of speech" means they can say whatever they want.
I have seen so many people make outrageous statements, then follow them up with
"Well, I'll be banned because of corruption and the staff not wanting to hear my opinion!"
If you blatantly insult someone, there will be consequences, no way around it. You can't call someone a "-----" and blame your ban on corruption. You were literally asking for the ban.
Freedom of speech, as defined by Dictionary.com is something like this:
- the right of people to express their opinions publicly without governmental interference, subject to the laws against libel, incitement to violence or rebellion, etc.
That makes perfect sense in an argument if you were calmly stating an opinion (will address later), with no aggression, but it clearly says
"subject to...".
You can't walk up to someone, call them fat, and expect no repercussions because it was "freedom of speech".
Now, we've already said plenty, but like I've mentioned in prior posts to this one, it is impossible to say one side is at fault, and one side is innocent. Both sides are at fault.
The people opposing staff have said, and done some uncalled for, harsh things, and many are simply there for the ride on a bandwagon already filled to the brim, but it cannot be said that the staff are not also at fault.
Things have been said, and done, negatively by both sides, but the problem is that neither side can accept their faults.
The staff have been told things countless times, but are typically ignored at this point. They don't believe that their staff are not doing their jobs properly, etc., and typically refuse to accept that they have, which is usually backed up with an excuse, or ignorance.
Some of the players opposing the staff have gone far beyond the boundary between "civil discussion" and "opinions" and deep into the territory of harassment, or just plain negligence, or misinformation.
Both sides are at a point now, where they see most everything from the other side in one way.
The staff assume every complaint and issue is only another person complaining with no real proof.
The players assume everything they do will get them banned, and that they can't express any sort of opinions.
Neither side feels comfortable sharing, and accepting the others side's point of view, which makes for a real communication barrier.
In the end, both sides need to open up.
Maybe what you think about the staff was misinformed.
Maybe what that player said to you really is true.
TL;DR: read it, you goon
(Like, actually read, with your eyes and brain. Please don't just like it because it's long. For all you know, I just copy-pasted "Ravioli" like 450 times.)