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Ma storeh


District 13
Jun 15, 2012
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Because sooooo maaaany people are doing diz I though I may as well make one. I've been here for such a long time and I've got a few interesting things to say.

Okaaay It all started back in Good ol' beta....
Me and a few friends were looking for a set of servers to play on, I had the the Hunger Games books waaaaay before the movie was announced, I read them before it was cool *hipster* and my friends pointed out these servers. I started playing on them and LOVED them. We had NO idea what to do, I had made friends and one of the first "unofficial" teams :p I cant remember it's name but we had a giant skype convo and it was AMAZING. We met some really cool people, This was around the time I was livestreaming, I didn't livestream MCSG originally, I was doing stuff like The Binding of isaac.
For the first month or so, I was slowly climbing in wins, I learned some chests from playing none-stop didn't really have a chest route and we had a team that was like 50% camp corn xD and the rest go looking, It was so much fun. I wasn't involved in the community at this point... and I wasn't really until I met Krassniss and his streams <3 they were AMAZING, I met people like MINER_Brandon (The Mod), Dozer :p, Zex, AshleyMarie (From the Nox Crew), Little old valethar who wasnt a moderator and just some awesome Sexy guy <3<3<3 who was quiet strange o_O and more :D
After a little bit I started streaming myself, We got viewers and this is what got me known in the community, and with Krasso's support I made a Mod app. I continued streaming and getting to know people and it was amazing. I became close friends with the famous MINDAHL! He taught me alot and we became close friends :3 He once got unfairly banned and I PROVED he didnt hack, He wasn't too good at english and I explained to him what to do, not a SINGLE trace of hacks were found, He was unbanned and we became better friends, then I taught him how to stream, and for those who were there for his streams, They were AMAZING. No hacks, PURE skill...
Now after a bit, I ran into some trouble, one day I fell out with MINER_brandon and Dozer, (AGAIN) and while I was streaming me and ashley posted my stream link at the same time, Brandon took this as "Spam" and out of hate he banned me. Ashley talked to the Sr. Staff and I was unbanned and brandon demoted (Who lied on his Moderator Application :p) My first mod app was declined due to age, I applied when you had to be EIGHTEEN to become a mod. My good friend Valethar got accepted as a moderator and had to wait for days for his interview :p I was so jealous.
Now here's NITRIDE :D I made the first and one of the biggest clans in History! I ran nitride, We had our problems, but we had some of the BEST players in MCSG history! It was GREAT, Our rivals, The Slime Army, Were run by iFrox and Tello. They've since quit but they are still good friend of mine :3
After streaming and continuing on, Mindahl quit because of the hate he was getting and how the staff were "Out to get him" and they were "corrupt" I wasn't sure about that, but we parted ways and I was glad to know him. The age for Mod apps was taken down to 16 (15 if you're lucky) and I applied! I waited... and waited... and waited. It was 5 months since my first one, so I had got tired of waiting, Went onto MCSG Teamspeak and asked DARLO <3<3<3 to look at it, He passed it onto Bic and they accepted it!
I was so happy. For once I could get something NICE to happen to me, in the previous months I had alot of problems, my first girlfriend had cheated on me, I had operations and stuff and life was hard. Finally I had got mod though! I had my interview and I passed! I was so happy! I continued streaming and getting support on that, I was doing well as a moderator, I built solar frost and got it in. Life was okay for once. UNTIL I ran into problems, a group of Donors had it out for me, They were all hackers and I had evidence to ban them, So I did. BUT what they did as a response was to complain to the Sr. Staff to get me demoted and because there was SO many of them, I was demoted.... Quiet unfairly in my opinion.
I took a break for a bit and thanks to Life and Frondome <3 they got my job back. I was back to streaming and moderating the servers. I was doing well, I had witnessed all sorts, The Old admins, Beta, SG-3's release and more! Over the time I had become friends with loads of people, I was active in the forums and on the servers, loads of people came to my streams and it was nice!
Then... I hit quiet bad depression. I had loads of trouble and I couldn't take it, I quit as a moderator and since then ALWAYS regretted it. I'd done so much, My charity streams and loads more. I felt like utter... garbage.
I've always been depressed but depression isn't something that just goes like that. I'd been feeling up and down. Thanks to my friends I'm still here.
I've missed alot and I'm sorry if there's anything important I have missed. There's been alot happen I've been here for a LONG time.

TL;DR - Life sux


District 13
Nov 12, 2012
Reaction score
;-; Eshan stories have happy endings and you are just waiting for yours. Happy birthday :p

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