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Lulu Needs Help


District 13
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
My suggestion is to use a mouse and learn to block hit. But if you really dislike using a mouse, practice critting people. You know you get a critical fit when sparks fly out and you see the red blink, or damage indicator. Do this by hitting players while on your way down. For example, jump up and down and strafe, and attack when you are coming back to the ground. Crits are important because they deal extra damage per hit, which you need every single bit of to win the Survival Games. With a bow, I do two things. I one, shoot where I think they are going to be, not where they are. The second is that I try to picture as myself as the player you are shooting at. Will I turn back and fight, or keep running? If they turn back, use a FnS. The way to avoid lighting yourself is by backing up as you light it. But if the player keeps running, only chase if they are stacked. If it's someone with ok items, don't bother chasing, cause you could be wasting valuable time instead of looking for chests or weaker players. If it's beginning of a game, you might want to chase if they have good armor, or an ingot, because nobody has much food at the beginning of a game. These are my tips, but you might want to talk to players with more SG experience and tactics, such as Theoretical, Darkai202, and others. I hope you get a lot better Lulu! :)
It's not best to start block hitting unless you know you're bad at strafing.


District 13
Nov 19, 2012
Reaction score
this might be noobie but block hit when your in a tight situation for example getting cornered

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