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DareDevilMan1 says YUSSSS PLESS I PHENNN to Lucidictive 's demands. DareDevilMan1 thinks , by the way , that killstreak awards should NOT be so big and he says to be a little bit nerfed "ples". GG by the way for your ide.. *cough* *cough* Demands!-chop , chop , punch , punch , the actual quote dissapeared.-
EU/NE 30 LvL Unranked IGN: TheMexicanRobotI feel sad by this D: And because I'm just annoying like that I'm going to correct a stupid thing
Pentakill: Getting 5 kills consecutively, A double kill is 2 kills of quick succession, not two kills with a 5 minute space between them, this also goes for Pentakill.
Ace: An Ace is when you kill everyone, 14 people isn't everyone
Dominating and Unstoppable: Well I'm just a lol nerd and in LoL,
5 - Unstoppable
6 - Dominating
But but they are in a different order in your idea :c
Idek D: It's christmas for me right now and I'm wasting time doing this ;-;