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Feb 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hi! My name is Tom
I have 240 wins out of 1700 games. Yes, I know it's terrible.
Everyone with a bad ratio says, uhh I had a laggy computer and ohhh this is my friends old account.
But I willing to admit, before I wasn't so good. I had no knowledge of chests or landmarks.
I was terrible at pvp and had no chance of winnning any game.
I will definitely follow the rules and regulations, I will not step out of line.
I believe I could benefit the clan greatly because I am determined and mature.
Whenever somebody does bad, or we are losing in a clan war.
I'll try to get the hopes high again.
My hobbies reflect my attributes, like table tennis. You need perseverance and your wits about you.
Ingame I keep cool under pressure, if I was being chased by a team I would work out my surroundings and think of a way to get a strategic advantage.
I forgot to mention, I am 13 years old and I come from the UK
My strengths are 1v1 scenario's e.g. bow, fishing rod etc.
Sometimes I could work on my bow, one time I could katniss someone from across the map. Then the next thing I would get rekd in a 1v1 bow battle.
I am a very experienced player, so I believe If you picked me. Your decision would prosper.

1. Wins / Games played: 240/1700
2. Will you follow the rules and regulations: YES!

3. Why should we accept you: Because I am focused and determined to win.
4. How will you benefit this clan: I will keep atmosphere high in times where there may seem no hope.
5. How active are you: I play everyday
6. Will you leave during the first month or two: NO!....Unless it disbands.
7. Will you keep your word :) : YES!
8. What type of rank do you think you are applying for: (e.g: Leader, Member) Member would be fine with me!
9. Past clan experience: I was in #Silent V2, #Ghost, #ElusiveGamers, #TheReturnII


Jan 17, 2014
Reaction score
Hi! My name is Tom
I have 240 wins out of 1700 games. Yes, I know it's terrible.
Everyone with a bad ratio says, uhh I had a laggy computer and ohhh this is my friends old account.
But I willing to admit, before I wasn't so good. I had no knowledge of chests or landmarks.
I was terrible at pvp and had no chance of winnning any game.
I will definitely follow the rules and regulations, I will not step out of line.
I believe I could benefit the clan greatly because I am determined and mature.
Whenever somebody does bad, or we are losing in a clan war.
I'll try to get the hopes high again.
My hobbies reflect my attributes, like table tennis. You need perseverance and your wits about you.
Ingame I keep cool under pressure, if I was being chased by a team I would work out my surroundings and think of a way to get a strategic advantage.
I forgot to mention, I am 13 years old and I come from the UK
My strengths are 1v1 scenario's e.g. bow, fishing rod etc.
Sometimes I could work on my bow, one time I could katniss someone from across the map. Then the next thing I would get rekd in a 1v1 bow battle.
I am a very experienced player, so I believe If you picked me. Your decision would prosper.

1. Wins / Games played: 240/1700
2. Will you follow the rules and regulations: YES!
3. Why should we accept you: Because I am focused and determined to win.
4. How will you benefit this clan: I will keep atmosphere high in times where there may seem no hope.
5. How active are you: I play everyday
6. Will you leave during the first month or two: NO!....Unless it disbands.
7. Will you keep your word :) : YES!
8. What type of rank do you think you are applying for: (e.g: Leader, Member) Member would be fine with me!
9. Past clan experience: I was in #Silent V2, #Ghost, #ElusiveGamers, #TheReturnII
Accepted for trial. Hope you do well here. :D


Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
I know that Applications are CLOSED, but still. I even want to apply.

Wins / Games played: I have 402 wins out of 1.7k games. At the last time MCSG is laggy, so thats a reason why i have died so many times. And i dont care about my stats, the most important thing is to be good at SG.

Will you follow the rules and regulations: YES/NO: Yes ofcource! Im not a rule breaker.

Why should we accept you: Im a friend to Teku, and KYSKILLZ. We have much fun together, and i want to be in a good clan, there my experience can be better and better. Im also a "good" PvPer. It depends on..

How will you benefit this clan: I want/do talking with you guys on TeamSpeak, evrey day. Its really fun. But still, i want to do well at Scrimmages and Clan Wars. I will also help, the other persons, and all that great stuffs.

How active are you: Im "kinda" active. I play almost 20 games a day, and at the holiday its more. BUT sometimes i play Prison, more than 5 hours a day. And sometimes SG more. Im still active on TeamSpeak as well.

Will you leave during the first month or two: YES/NO: No, ofcource not. I will stay a very long time beacuse i know that i fit in this clan well. Im not a clan-hopper. I have been in almost 2 clans over my time: it was #Spankerz and #Heroes. I left Heroes due, we havent fun in the clan, when Sench left. He was good to lead clans, but i will always remember that clan.

Will you keep your word :) : YES/NO: Yes Ofcource i do.

What type of rank do you think you are applying for: (e.g: Leader, Member): I dont actually care about the rank. But still, Elite should be nice. But as i said, i play for fun.

Past clan experience: I have been Leader of Heroes, and Spankerz. Spankerz was the clan that i started with. I really loved the clan, but at the time, we disbanded. I had much school, and people left it. And Heroes was our new clan, that me and CaptainFr3sh re-banded when, SenchSlash left the clan. So im quite good to lead clans, sometimes im stressed, or i dont want to loose a Clan-War. I can make Threads, i can, lead them. Thanks!


Aug 2, 2013
Reaction score
I know that Applications are CLOSED, but still. I even want to apply.

Wins / Games played: I have 402 wins out of 1.7k games. At the last time MCSG is laggy, so thats a reason why i have died so many times. And i dont care about my stats, the most important thing is to be good at SG.

Will you follow the rules and regulations: YES/NO: Yes ofcource! Im not a rule breaker.

Why should we accept you: Im a friend to Teku, and KYSKILLZ. We have much fun together, and i want to be in a good clan, there my experience can be better and better. Im also a "good" PvPer. It depends on..

How will you benefit this clan: I want/do talking with you guys on TeamSpeak, evrey day. Its really fun. But still, i want to do well at Scrimmages and Clan Wars. I will also help, the other persons, and all that great stuffs.

How active are you: Im "kinda" active. I play almost 20 games a day, and at the holiday its more. BUT sometimes i play Prison, more than 5 hours a day. And sometimes SG more. Im still active on TeamSpeak as well.

Will you leave during the first month or two: YES/NO: No, ofcource not. I will stay a very long time beacuse i know that i fit in this clan well. Im not a clan-hopper. I have been in almost 2 clans over my time: it was #Spankerz and #Heroes. I left Heroes due, we havent fun in the clan, when Sench left. He was good to lead clans, but i will always remember that clan.

Will you keep your word :) : YES/NO: Yes Ofcource i do.

What type of rank do you think you are applying for: (e.g: Leader, Member): I dont actually care about the rank. But still, Elite should be nice. But as i said, i play for fun.

Past clan experience: I have been Leader of Heroes, and Spankerz. Spankerz was the clan that i started with. I really loved the clan, but at the time, we disbanded. I had much school, and people left it. And Heroes was our new clan, that me and CaptainFr3sh re-banded when, SenchSlash left the clan. So im quite good to lead clans, sometimes im stressed, or i dont want to loose a Clan-War. I can make Threads, i can, lead them. Thanks!
Accepted, Good to see you applied mate.
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