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Letting out some frustration...


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
You weren't very good at spell "were", were you? ;)

It may of been 5 minutes but with how long I was waiting it felt like much more! I don't think it is down to having played it a lot, feels like somewhere it just lost it's magic . . .
Autocorrect is a noob.

And the loss of magic, that's from playing a lot. It feels new and cool, but it loses that charm.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
I read the first page of replies, so sorry if people have already said what I am about to say.

The community has definitely changed. Like Blamph said, that's bound to happen because it's a game. But the new PvP tactics people are using are not surprising to me what so ever. Of course, it might catch me off guard when they use the tactics, but their existence isn't shocking. Remember last year when there were often threads about people thinking Minecraft PvP was boring? How it was simple, and it should be more complicated? Well the people that currently play are the people that made those threads because they enjoy how combat has changed.

We, the people that said "It's Minecraft, it's supposed to be simple" or something along those lines or really anything against the thread itself when something like that came up, like the way PvP is (really how it was now). Fast clicking with some strafing to kill the opponent.

PvP has changed to suit a chunk of the community that likes that method, and since that method is superior for killing people, it was adopted by many others whether they liked it or not because everyone wants to win the game somehow.

I got bored of Survival Games months ago. I can't stick with anything in Minecraft too long, because Minecraft is a simple game and there really isn't much to do once you've done a lot after playing the game as long as I have. The thing I enjoy doing in any game, and the only sort of thing I do in any game, is play with friends. Whether it's a round of Survival Games with a team, or just being in a skype call while all playing random games.

I had something else to add, but I forgot so I'm just posting this >.<


May 29, 2013
Reaction score
cause 9/10 a team beats a normal player (regarding most aren't pro) so if you team you get to dm as a team 9/10 times and win 4.5 times out of 10 where as solo only makes you win 1/10 so teaming does make you have a higher W/L ratio since it sort of guareentees you'll win eventually.
And also you literally just said "It was only harder for you because you were crap at MCSG". You don't know me you don't know whether I'm good at SG or not. you just assume I'm bad without a reason. Stop being prejudice.
Also the reason it was harder then is because there were little to no guides around so the players who got good had a couple of hundred bad games before they got good where as nowadays it's easy to become pro.
Did you even read what I wrote correctly? I said you weren't as good as you are now. You have obviously improved since last year, everyone has, don't just assume I'm insulting you.

You also can't spew random statistics out without concrete sources or evidence.


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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How does having a team help your W/L ratio? If you make it to the end you will only win about half the time anyways, unless your teammate is a lot worse than you at PvP. And I, personally tend to do better and get more wins when I'm not teaming, there's less to worry about.
On the second point, it was only harder to win because you weren't is good and hadn't played as much, it was only harder from the perspective of you, you were still one out of twenty-four.
Well, some people who really care about statistics will form a team of people who let him win for the statistics. I was that person once: Playing with friends, we all make it to DM, and they agree that since they don't care for statistics much, they just let me win. I didn't do it for long, but there was a period I did it.

Honestly, though, I have to agree with the playing better solo part. My mind is just too clogged up with everything they are saying and everything they want me to do, etc, that I can't think straight enough to play well. If I'm playing to win, I'll play solo. My games with teams are usually more casual.


May 29, 2013
Reaction score
Well, some people who really care about statistics will form a team of people who let him win for the statistics. I was that person once: Playing with friends, we all make it to DM, and they agree that since they don't care for statistics much, they just let me win. I didn't do it for long, but there was a period I did it.

Honestly, though, I have to agree with the playing better solo part. My mind is just too clogged up with everything they are saying and everything they want me to do, etc, that I can't think straight enough to play well. If I'm playing to win, I'll play solo. My games with teams are usually more casual.
Yea, this does happen, but it is in the minority and in the big scale of things, doesn't effect much.


May 22, 2012
Reaction score
Did you even read what I wrote correctly? I said you weren't as good as you are now. You have obviously improved since last year, everyone has, don't just assume I'm insulting you.

You also can't spew random statistics out without concrete sources or evidence.
Sorry about that xD. and if you look at stats of older players it's obvious. Gravey4rd has a W/L ratio of about 0.5 and he's been playing pro for ages. some new players have about this yet Gravey4rd had a lower W/L ratio when he was at about the same stage. If you look at most older good players in general you'll realise they probably have a W/L ratio between 0.20-0.40(although some better) wheres as nowadays the average W/L ratio is probably higher. sorry if this isn't proof enough It's just what I've noticed and it may not be valid enough.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Also, something equally frustrating to the 'gg' from an unfair death, someone that waits for you to die after you kill them and says 'lol fail' or something along those lines. Me and this other guy, a donor I might note, got a stone sword at spawn. I killed a guy, and then my friend who I was on skype with got killed too. I hadn't killed him, so I saw the other guy with a sword and killed him too. Good revenge and a good way to get rid of a threat. So I run after a few other people and kill 1 more person, and then after that I'm low health so I get killed in my next encounter. Then the guy with a sword I killed at the beginning (second) says 'lol fail' to my death. I think I did decently enough in my fight, but no matter what I don't think there is a reason to call me a fail >.<

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