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The darn calculator is out of toner... *sadface*There may be some glitches with the final product though. Those blueberries are surprisingly hard to code...
Maybe or maybe you trick people into it then you make yourself appear!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAI'm so good at this. ^-^
I would fax you some but your out so of toner so i can even do that.The darn calculator is out of toner... *sadface*
Cows make that noiseMOOOÖOOOOOOO
Really? i thought they went quack. (winning)Cows make that noise
Mathias loves cats in case you didn't noticeSorry but your losing again, No sorry but that is a DUCK that goes quack. the Only thing that is weird is a Cat it goes I HATE YOU then claws you with its viciousness
Cats are terrible creatures that lurk in the night and try to smother you as you sleep.Mathias loves cats in case you didn't notice
^^ My dog in a nutshellHowever, a dog goes I LOVE YOU WILL YOU BE MY FRIEND? and then curls up on your lap. or rests at your feet.
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