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Your forum name is Northstar but according to your signature and statistics you merely a Starbit. You are no Mass of fire and an assortment of gas. Starbits are small pieces of stars. Make your next move wisely Mr. Northstar or should i say Starbit! (not trying to be mean, if you think this is mean let me know and i will delete no worries)You can't neutralize me, I am an extreme mass of fire and an assortment of gases. You think you would know by looking at my name. GAWSH!!
Clever, Mr. Bluemangroup, clever.
But you forgot to mention that I am Starbit98. The laws of the universe chose 100 stars to form a massive "Giga-star". So while I am a 'starbit' I am still a typical, normal-sized, extreme mass of fire and an assortment of gases.