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Krelis Survival Games 1 - Ariaskel Islands

Do you want this map in mcsg?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 33 67.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 16 32.7%

  • Total voters
Jun 22, 2013
Reaction score
Why did you put so much water in the map? It seems like the map is 70% water 30% land and when you leave the corn in some directions it is pure water right up to the glass dome. The builds and terraforming is nice but I cant vote yes on the poll when there is so little land. If you filled the map out so there was alot less water and made it a full archipeligo with 80% of the map being land then the map would be great but at the moment I'd rather it wasn't accepted.

This is a screenshot of what I mean at the glass dome you can only just see land when your FOV is on quake pro



District 13
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
I can tell you put a lot of work and effort into this map, however, there are some reasons I don't think it should be implemented onto the MCSG servers.

1) The map seems too generic. A forest with large bodies of water and a ship or two. This reminds me of Survival Games 1, Survival Games 3, and Forrest Pyke. It doesn't seem to have originality as a map in general.

2) Distinct Hotpots like you find on SG4 cannot be found here. When I'm asking a teammate, "Where are you?" They should have a easy response. But due to the fact this is largely Forrest and water, I think it would be rather troubling.

3) Water maps are dispised by the MCSG community, and it appears as you have a load of it in your map.

This is not to say it's a bad map--only that it has been done before. Yet, great terra-forming and building!


Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
Wow. This is a really nice map. Looks well built and fun to play. I really want to see this in the servers. Looks a lot better than most of the maps.



Jun 30, 2013
Reaction score
I can tell you put a lot of work and effort into this map, however, there are some reasons I don't think it should be implemented onto the MCSG servers.

1) The map seems too generic. A forest with large bodies of water and a ship or two. This reminds me of Survival Games 1, Survival Games 3, and Forrest Pyke. It doesn't seem to have originality as a map in general.

2) Distinct Hotpots like you find on SG4 cannot be found here. When I'm asking a teammate, "Where are you?" They should have a easy response. But due to the fact this is largely Forrest and water, I think it would be rather troubling.

3) Water maps are dispised by the MCSG community, and it appears as you have a load of it in your map.

This is not to say it's a bad map--only that it has been done before. Yet, great terra-forming and building!
I don't copy map from SG1,SG2 and Forrest Pyke.
There are 6 island near the main island, what can i do?
Same of response 2, what can i do?

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