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Mar 26, 2015
Reaction score
What do you want to be called?: Jelly
IGN: ItsJellyBean
Age: 13
Wins and Losses: I have 20/220 currently but had over 150 before reset
experience in Survival Games? Explain: I have played for 2 years and I play mostly everyday. To practice and get better

Chest Routes: I know 3 or more chest routes on every map.
PvP Specialties?: rod and bow
PvP Weaknesses?: hackers
Previous Clans?: crimsom, aroze, gazed, nitro
Will you be loyal? Explain why: yes, because I know that joining a clan you will be lower than the owner and I know how to act in my place.
Why do you want to join Kortex?: because I am looking for a good clan to join and stay and this one looked good
Are you a Donor?: yes platinum
Skype: thetexans-123


May 23, 2015
Reaction score
What do you want to be called?: Jelly
IGN: ItsJellyBean
Age: 13
Wins and Losses: I have 20/220 currently but had over 150 before reset
experience in Survival Games? Explain: I have played for 2 years and I play mostly everyday. To practice and get better
Chest Routes: I know 3 or more chest routes on every map.
PvP Specialties?: rod and bow
PvP Weaknesses?: hackers
Previous Clans?: crimsom, aroze, gazed, nitro
Will you be loyal? Explain why: yes, because I know that joining a clan you will be lower than the owner and I know how to act in my place.
Why do you want to join Kortex?: because I am looking for a good clan to join and stay and this one looked good
Are you a Donor?: yes platinum

Skype: thetexans-123
Accepted! As a Member. You will be notified on Skype later today. :)


Apr 10, 2015
Reaction score
What do you want to be called?: Salty or Strafe
IGN: SaltyStrafe ( I also have a alt but i dont want to say it out loud )
Age: 12
Wins and Losses: 84/600
Experience in Survival Games? Explain: I have a 1/4 on both my alt and main in legacy. i have a 1/4 on my alt still now but a 1/6-1/7 on my main because of all the cb's. i also know all the chest routes on most maps and all of the choke points. I know how to take out teams up to 3 and hackers.
Chest Routes: All maps that are 24 player game ones but avaricia
PvP Specialties?: Rod, Strafing/Sword, Bow, FnS
PvP Weaknesses?: Bow and water fights
Previous Clans?: Sparta, Outbreak, Iris, Ancient, Tornadic
Will you be loyal? Explain why: Yes in all of my clans i've never been kicked except for in my last clan Tornadic but that was because the owner had favourites so i said ' if ur just gonna only pick favourites and treat everyone else like Good then kick me ' so she did kick me. I also have never double clanned.
Why do you want to join Kortex?: Because i love being in a clan and Cbing or scriming i also want to become more experienced and better at the game and i want to meet new people and make new friends
Are you a Donor?: No
Skype?: Prefer not to say


Apr 10, 2015
Reaction score
What do you want to be called?: Salty or Strafe
IGN: SaltyStrafe ( I also have a alt but i dont want to say it out loud )
Age: 12
Wins and Losses: 84/600
Experience in Survival Games? Explain: I have a 1/4 on both my alt and main in legacy. i have a 1/4 on my alt still now but a 1/6-1/7 on my main because of all the cb's. i also know all the chest routes on most maps and all of the choke points. I know how to take out teams up to 3 and hackers.
Chest Routes: All maps that are 24 player game ones but avaricia
PvP Specialties?: Rod, Strafing/Sword, Bow, FnS
PvP Weaknesses?: Bow and water fights
Previous Clans?: Sparta, Outbreak, Iris, Ancient, Tornadic
Will you be loyal? Explain why: Yes in all of my clans i've never been kicked except for in my last clan Tornadic but that was because the owner had favourites so i said ' if ur just gonna only pick favourites and treat everyone else like Good then kick me ' so she did kick me. I also have never double clanned.
Why do you want to join Kortex?: Because i love being in a clan and Cbing or scriming i also want to become more experienced and better at the game and i want to meet new people and make new friends
Are you a Donor?: No
Skype?: Prefer not to say
Tell me you're skype instead please
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