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Kitty Cat Clan AU - KCC


District 13
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Application: DemonXportol

How Much do you love cats: 9/10
how good is your meow: damn good
on a rating to ten how fun are you: 8
Skype name: demonxportol
why do you want to be in this clan: because i hate the AU Rebels
how fluffy are you: 10
IGN: DemonXportol

sorry i missed urs, acepted as a kitten!


Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
Also reaper said it was a good idea that I was to join


Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
im sorry dude i have been told not to accept u but, who cares i can put u on trial :)
What I need to now is who told you
But if I'm trial ain't I to good fir that why can't you just accept me so we don't need to argue

Edit: Don't care what I said except for the part where I have 95 wins but how can I become kitty pro or kitten?


District 13
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
What I need to now is who told you
But if I'm trial ain't I to good fir that why can't you just accept me so we don't need to argue

Edit: Don't care what I said except for the part where I have 95 wins but how can I become kitty pro or kitten?
people were not thinking good of u and i am not saying who, u get kitty pro with 100 wins and just accept my skype request and we can see how you go, then you will be moved up a rank or 2


Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
You sent a skype ok I'll SHOw you my cat then cya soon


Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score

How much do you love cats: Always wanted one + I think they are cute.
how good is your meow: As good as my English
on a rating to ten how fun are you: 11/10
skype name:
why do you want to be in this clan: Because I want to get better at survival games and I think this clan is chill and cool to be in.
how fluffy are you: More fluffier than you.
Cat picture: http://www.google.com.au/imgres?num...=208&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0,i:115


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
It's really sad that people join this clan merely because they hate the AU Rebels. I'm all for the growth of this clan, but I feel that it has its priorities wrong, and that rather demeans the clan. I like Ninga, I like cats, and I like competition, yet it is hard to like this clan, as much as I would like to. I've heard you saying that this clan is made up of people who want to have a good time and I think that's an admirable cause; it's one of the reasons why I originally started the Rebels as well. However, in the interactions I have observed your clan engaging in, and the general demeanor of the forum thread and various comments made by your members, I have not really seen that sense of fun and enjoyment of the game for the game's sake. Instead, I have seen a place for hatred towards my clan to be 'dignified'.

I've kept a close watch on this thread, because I've been interested in its growth, and I've read all of the apps. For many of them, the reason why the applicant wanted to join the clan was nothing more than, 'I hate the AU Rebels'. It is not a desire to have fun that seems to be encouraged by this clan, even though that was purportedly its purpose. What is encouraged is a deep, and unfounded hatred of the AU Rebels. I understand that some might be annoyed to come on a server and have to face a team of good players, but that is no reason to develop hatred, and wold to have developed, I believe, if it were not for an act of instigation by Ninga; namely, the formation of this clan.

I am glad that this clan is around, for I believe any PvP server where clans are present and active requires a decent amount of competition. However, competition, and even rivalry, does not need to, and should not, rest upon a foundation of hatred. It should rest on pure enjoyment of the game, and the hilarity of working together as a team. In interactions with 'rival' clans, the leader of a clan should be mature, friendly, and thoughtful. He should strive to be friends with his opposing leaders, and not let their difference of clans divide them, even if they kill each other relentlessly in the servers. Competition is the nature of the game, and that is not something anyone wants changed. However, it does to need to be corrupted by hatred and anger, for tha ruins the enjoyment of the game for all.

Now, to speak more personally, and less about the broad nature of clans. I would like Ninga and the KCC to stop their trend of hatred against the AU Rebels, and instead focus on what any clan should truly be about: the pursuit of fun times with friends. I am not asking for the clan to be closed, or for rivalry or competition to stop, but merely for the hatred that has become the major facet of your relations with my clan to end. I am fine if you kill my clan members in game, in fact I expect it, but I will not tolerate the attack upon my clan members. Members of your clan, following a trend established by the formation of the clan itself, have taken it upon themselves to attack the AU Rebels at every possible turn. From abuse on the forums, in game, and over Skype, this clan has made it clear that they intend to be an aggressor, determined to make life unpleasant for members of my clan.

Then comes your own personal actions in an attempt to tear my clan apart. From accusing my members of hacks, and telling me I cannot trust them, to creating false Skype conversations in order to turn members of the clan against each other, your actions have been quite deplorable. From what I know of you, this does not seem like you. I have always believed (and still do) that you are a cool person, and would make a good friend. However, I have not seen that reflected in your treatment of my clan or the members thereof. You have built a clan based on hatred, when it could be so much more.

There is a way out of the pit our clans have been dragged into, however. Embrace the values that you've spoken of: Fun, friendship, happiness. These are the true components of a good clan, not hatred. I hope that the KCC can embrace these values as well, and mature into an excellent clan. I hope that the fighting between our two clans can end, even if we war during a round of SG. I will speak to my clan as well, and hopefully we can change the opinion of us that you have fostered: that of win-hungry no lifers who can't stand to lose. For in truth we are just a bunch of friends who like to play together, because we enjoy each other's company, probably much as you are - or at least as you could be.

I am hoping to repair the relationship between our clans, and I would be grateful if you would work towards this end as well.

Thank you for reading,


P.S. I do like cats as well as dogs. And bunnies and toads too ;)


Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
It's really sad that people join this clan merely because they hate the AU Rebels. I'm all for the growth of this clan, but I feel that it has its priorities wrong, and that rather demeans the clan. I like Ninga, I like cats, and I like competition, yet it is hard to like this clan, as much as I would like to. I've heard you saying that this clan is made up of people who want to have a good time and I think that's an admirable cause; it's one of the reasons why I originally started the Rebels as well. However, in the interactions I have observed your clan engaging in, and the general demeanor of the forum thread and various comments made by your members, I have not really seen that sense of fun and enjoyment of the game for the game's sake. Instead, I have seen a place for hatred towards my clan to be 'dignified'.

I've kept a close watch on this thread, because I've been interested in its growth, and I've read all of the apps. For many of them, the reason why the applicant wanted to join the clan was nothing more than, 'I hate the AU Rebels'. It is not a desire to have fun that seems to be encouraged by this clan, even though that was purportedly its purpose. What is encouraged is a deep, and unfounded hatred of the AU Rebels. I understand that some might be annoyed to come on a server and have to face a team of good players, but that is no reason to develop hatred, and wold to have developed, I believe, if it were not for an act of instigation by Ninga; namely, the formation of this clan.

I am glad that this clan is around, for I believe any PvP server where clans are present and active requires a decent amount of competition. However, competition, and even rivalry, does not need to, and should not, rest upon a foundation of hatred. It should rest on pure enjoyment of the game, and the hilarity of working together as a team. In interactions with 'rival' clans, the leader of a clan should be mature, friendly, and thoughtful. He should strive to be friends with his opposing leaders, and not let their difference of clans divide them, even if they kill each other relentlessly in the servers. Competition is the nature of the game, and that is not something anyone wants changed. However, it does to need to be corrupted by hatred and anger, for tha ruins the enjoyment of the game for all.

Now, to speak more personally, and less about the broad nature of clans. I would like Ninga and the KCC to stop their trend of hatred against the AU Rebels, and instead focus on what any clan should truly be about: the pursuit of fun times with friends. I am not asking for the clan to be closed, or for rivalry or competition to stop, but merely for the hatred that has become the major facet of your relations with my clan to end. I am fine if you kill my clan members in game, in fact I expect it, but I will not tolerate the attack upon my clan members. Members of your clan, following a trend established by the formation of the clan itself, have taken it upon themselves to attack the AU Rebels at every possible turn. From abuse on the forums, in game, and over Skype, this clan has made it clear that they intend to be an aggressor, determined to make life unpleasant for members of my clan.

Then comes your own personal actions in an attempt to tear my clan apart. From accusing my members of hacks, and telling me I cannot trust them, to creating false Skype conversations in order to turn members of the clan against each other, your actions have been quite deplorable. From what I know of you, this does not seem like you. I have always believed (and still do) that you are a cool person, and would make a good friend. However, I have not seen that reflected in your treatment of my clan or the members thereof. You have built a clan based on hatred, when it could be so much more.

There is a way out of the pit our clans have been dragged into, however. Embrace the values that you've spoken of: Fun, friendship, happiness. These are the true components of a good clan, not hatred. I hope that the KCC can embrace these values as well, and mature into an excellent clan. I hope that the fighting between our two clans can end, even if we war during a round of SG. I will speak to my clan as well, and hopefully we can change the opinion of us that you have fostered: that of win-hungry no lifers who can't stand to lose. For in truth we are just a bunch of friends who like to play together, because we enjoy each other's company, probably much as you are - or at least as you could be.

I am hoping to repair the relationship between our clans, and I would be grateful if you would work towards this end as well.

Thank you for reading,


P.S. I do like cats as well as dogs. And bunnies and toads too ;)
Zeno jeez that took half an hour to read
I'm not hatin on the rebels I got declined so I tried to join this one

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