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Just started playing at McGamer, any tips for the survival maps?


Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
It's always nice to see fresh faces around the place.

People here have already given you some fairly good advice, but most of it is all the same:
get a chest route, get good at pvp, win. Here's a little advice that hasn't been shared here yet.

A little about myself first though. I'm not one to boast about my pvp skill. Honestly I'd say I'm decent at pvp, and there's a large amount of people that are more skilled than myself. So in a straight up 1v1, they'd most likely win. However, these are the Survival Games, where your odds of winning can change based on a number of factors, not skill alone (Thank god). So I've had to use a couple other strategies in order to win a game. That's just a little background about myself, onto the tips.

First piece of advice, and this is similar to others above, but knowledge of your maps is key. A chest route is very valuable knowledge to have, but what if your route happens to give bad loot this game? Just knowing where chests are and their tier can give an advantage. That one tier two nobody goes for because it's not on a route? It could have the keys to victory for you, so knowing where it is in case of need is important. Have a team of three you need to fight? Know a choke point to give you somewhat of an advantage. A good example of this is the way to the roof of the library on Valleyside. Very hard for a team to approach there.

Second piece of advice is a little more broad, but I find it to be an amazing skill to have, it to be observant, take note of your surroundings and players. Don't do blind-bat pvp, where you run into fights expecting to kill. You don't have good odds in those scenarios if you're not that skilled in pvp. Full iron guy that you need to kill to win? Don't change head on and hope for the best, scout him out. Find how he plays. Is he good a bowspamming or at melee combat? Is he better at fighting on flat ground or on a hill? Find his weak points and capitalize on it.

Last piece of advice, which can be ignored if you don't like making people salty, but to not deny yourself from dirty plays. By "dirty plays" I mean cleaning up people from fights, teaming on players, betraying, etc. If you're in the mindset of getting a win, regardless of your way of play, these plays can be gamechanging. Faced up against a geared player while your undergeared? Find someone else that is willing to team with you against them. Being in a 2v1 situation is better than in a 1v1 undergeared fight. Now you've killed the geared player, but you want that win badly. While your "teammate" sorts through the new gear, betray them. Now all their loot is yours. These two may be salty afterwards, but you got your win. Not from being highly skilled in pvp, but from doing what you needed to do to make up for your lack of high skilled pvp. (People will probably hate me for giving this piece of advice, encouraging the gameplay that they hate. But from my time of play, these work for wins. Haters going to hate. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

This is just a little something else to read while your following the advice of those above. Not all advice is for everyone, so use what works for you. Develop your own style of play that you feel comfortable in. Advice isn't suppose to be something you follow word for word, but rather ideas that worked for more experienced people, and for you to experiment with your own style of play.

Happy Survival Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor.


Jun 29, 2015
Reaction score
Wow I just want to say thank you all so much for the tips! Sorry about the video I didn't know!


Jun 25, 2015
Reaction score
Wow I just want to say thank you all so much for the tips! Sorry about the video I didn't know!
It Is okay We understand that you are new but try not to do it again! because it could lead to Something you don't want, just some advice.


Jun 26, 2014
Reaction score
Welcome to the community man! And yes, the MCGamer community is closer than of Mineplex. Although there are some people who often spoil it :mad:. I believe if you begin to learn the community and improve you will enjoy your stay here ;).

Personally when I started out trying to improve (About a year ago) I didn't look at the forums for tips and tricks, but there is! Check this thread out for a couple of tips: http://www.mcgamer.net/forums/strategies/
If you want to know how I got better, I personally played FFA servers a long time back. MCGamer now has a similar and somewhat popular gamemode much like FFA, This gamemode is called 'Battle Grounds'. Just in case you don't know, 'FFA' Stands for 'Free For All'. in Battlegrounds you and other players will be put in a room with signs, right click one of the signs to take you to a different side of the map to start fighting! A game lasts % minutes and the person with the most kills in the 5 minutes is the winner. After the 5 minutes are up you and the other players will be teleported to another map where you can carry on what you were doing before.
I personally watched lots of tips and tricks videos which helped me improve, here are some:
(The long and in-depth tips and tricks video. Watch this one after you start to get a hang of the other one).

MCGamer Survival Games is much different to Mineplex Survival Games in the fact that all of Mineplex's chest are randomised to have ANY gear in them. Where as for MCGamer chest are set to be Tier 1's and Tier 2's.
Tier 1's - These chest generally have food supplies, leather armour, stone weapons, wooden weapons, bows, bow supplies and other helpful things for crafting.
Tier 2's- These chests have gold armour, iron armour, chain armour, diamonds, Good saturated foods and other really helpful gear necessary to win the game.
These chests are disguised to look like normal chests and you will need to learn some tier 2 routes from videos to get good stuff. Here is an example of a chest route video on a popular map:

There's not much left to say but look through these tips carefully and improve. I have been in the community for a while, and know a whole lot about this stuff and more, so please don't think I'm throwing a lot of baloney at you, you've just gotten all these tips that helped improve me. Because of these tips I'm in the top 50 on the MCSG leaderboards ;D Remember have fun! :);)

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