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Just another thread about hackers.

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FjRI || Catty

Jan 14, 2015
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Before anyone reads this thread I would firstly like to say that I am not hating on the server itself. We all know mcsg has it's good points and if it was that rubbish to play on, it would be long gone.
But... This really has to be said.
For many months (esp the last few weeks) there have been many complaints about hackers/auto-clickers and whatnot. I don't know about every region but this is especially obvious for AU.
Out of the vast majority of games I played tonight and last night, there has been one or more hackers/auto-clickers.
Now, I know that I could have recorded all these people and uploaded them (despite my appalling upload speed) but that doesn't change the fact that I died to them.
Not to mention, these hackers were certainly obvious enough for a moderator to follow them for like 30 seconds and get sufficient evidence.
There is this one player in particular (there name was -snip- - I don't care if I'm not allowed to call them out) that came to my attention about a week ago. Anyway, -snip- had over 100 games played and about 70 wins before they were banned. Yet, I remember reporting them for hacking/boosting many days ago and somehow they were only banned last night because the kid uploaded footage of himself using a ghost client.
I'm completely at a loss as to how this player was not banned before this point...
Nowdays, there are too many hackers on this server for any game to be fair.
As for auto-clickers- don't get me started.
In many ways, auto-clicks are even more obvious than hacks.
Yes, blockhitting macros DO look suss when you're somehow sprint jumping and blockhitting at the same time!! (??)
In the least cocky way possible- I have played this game long enough to know when someone is not legit.
The thing I don't understand is- we're encouraged to report these people to staff, yes?
So what happens when staff members don't reply. What happens when the hacker has already won 5 games before someone bans them?
This has happened on multiple occasions. I know that many staff members do try and that they do behind the scenes things but... Come on... Having to watch for someone 'abusing' you in chat is nothing compared to dying in-game unfairly. I would rather a perceived 'terrible community' than an unplayable game full of hackers..
Honestly, it's just come to a point where I might as well just /kill at the start of almost every game I play.
I know I won't be the first to say this, but- mcsg needs a better hacker preventative system. The last few days have had a shocking influx of hackers and I'm not the only one who has seen this.
To the moderators that actually do ban hackers/ look out for them- I thank you. Provided you don't lie to yourself, I'm sure you would know who you are.
By all means, lock this thread for starting flame.
But someone had to say it.
Thankyou for reading this :)
Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
oh my god... do you know how many threads say EXACTLY what you said in this thread? Chad & a few of the developers are aware of hacking being an issue and they have told us on multiple occasions that work is being done. Threads like this serve literally no purpose.


Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
If you weren't there for Chads Q&A he made a point of stating that MCGamer will be improving it's anti cheat in the near future which will hopefully eradicate the amount of auto clickers and things like that.

We understand your concerns and we are trying our best, I hope you realize a lot of the time when moderators are spectating hackers we cannot get 100% sufficient evidence to ban a player, we have to make sure their hacks are visible and sufficient to warrant a ban therefore sometimes a player will need to play multiple games so we can spectate them to get the evidence we need (unless the hacks are super obvious like no knockback/speed).

Unfortunately people using macros can go undetected for a while because it's not noticeable unless the person using macros uploads it themselves.
Moderators are required to attend hacker identification training sessions as a part of their moderation training, this doesn't make us experts in the field of hacking but we're aware of what hacks look like.

People seem to forget moderators are humans too and just because we're moderators doesn't automatically give us the ability to detect a hacker immediately and ban them, our process for banning people isn't as easy as /ban.

These threads are getting super repetitive and we've answered these many times and Chad answered them in his Q&A session so please avoid posting things like this in the future as it has been stated many times in other threads as you acknowledged yourself.

Have a fantastic time on the mcgamer network.

Question Answered; Thread Locked to avoid flame.


Mar 31, 2015
Reaction score
Before anyone reads this thread I would firstly like to say that I am not hating on the server itself. We all know mcsg has it's good points and if it was that rubbish to play on, it would be long gone.
But... This really has to be said.
For many months (esp the last few weeks) there have been many complaints about hackers/auto-clickers and whatnot. I don't know about every region but this is especially obvious for AU.
Out of the vast majority of games I played tonight and last night, there has been one or more hackers/auto-clickers.
Now, I know that I could have recorded all these people and uploaded them (despite my appalling upload speed) but that doesn't change the fact that I died to them.
Not to mention, these hackers were certainly obvious enough for a moderator to follow them for like 30 seconds and get sufficient evidence.
There is this one player in particular (there name was -snip- - I don't care if I'm not allowed to call them out) that came to my attention about a week ago. Anyway, -snip- had over 100 games played and about 70 wins before they were banned. Yet, I remember reporting them for hacking/boosting many days ago and somehow they were only banned last night because the kid uploaded footage of himself using a ghost client.
I'm completely at a loss as to how this player was not banned before this point...
Nowdays, there are too many hackers on this server for any game to be fair.
As for auto-clickers- don't get me started.
In many ways, auto-clicks are even more obvious than hacks.
Yes, blockhitting macros DO look suss when you're somehow sprint jumping and blockhitting at the same time!! (??)
In the least cocky way possible- I have played this game long enough to know when someone is not legit.
The thing I don't understand is- we're encouraged to report these people to staff, yes?
So what happens when staff members don't reply. What happens when the hacker has already won 5 games before someone bans them?
This has happened on multiple occasions. I know that many staff members do try and that they do behind the scenes things but... Come on... Having to watch for someone 'abusing' you in chat is nothing compared to dying in-game unfairly. I would rather a perceived 'terrible community' than an unplayable game full of hackers..
Honestly, it's just come to a point where I might as well just /kill at the start of almost every game I play.
I know I won't be the first to say this, but- mcsg needs a better hacker preventative system. The last few days have had a shocking influx of hackers and I'm not the only one who has seen this.
To the moderators that actually do ban hackers/ look out for them- I thank you. Provided you don't lie to yourself, I'm sure you would know who you are.
By all means, lock this thread for starting flame.
But someone had to say it.
Thankyou for reading this :)
Couldn't have said it better myself gurrrl! I get called out for 'hackusating' and yet all the people who were banned on Bl I was pretty on point with. Like yourself, I have been playing this game and pvp based servers for along time, long enough to know when someone isn't legit. I just don't find it fun anymore to play on a server with at least one hacker in every game. Or worse, a hacker that boosts his/her team mate.
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