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Joey | Jodimo - 1000th Message


Staffing Team Lead
Jul 11, 2013
Reaction score
Hello all!

This will be my one thousandth message on the forums, even though most of those posts are behind the scenes with the Community. In this thread, I will explain a bit of the business side of my journey, including how I discovered Minecraft and my journey as a staff member thus far.

How did I discover Minecraft?

A long time ago, I found myself on an MMORPG called Runescape (Let’s be honest, a lot of you guys will know about this game). In that rather violent community, I obtained a few good friends that would introduce me to some new games. Among those games was Minecraft, which I would not download until June of 2013. An ironic part of this story is, I stopped talking to my friends from that community well before buying Minecraft.

So, what convinced me to buy Minecraft?

I was a huge fan of the Hunger Games in 2013 and I was always looking for things related to the trilogy. There was one time where I searched YouTube for Hunger Games, and who happened to show up? CaptainSparklez. I saw Joey Graceffa in the recommended section of the video, and so, after I clicked on Joey’s videos and started to watch what, at the time I thought was really good PVP skills, I must say Joey was the convincing factor of it all. I was immediately hooked on the idea of actually playing the Hunger Games, and so, I saved up some money (by that I mean I asked my mother for spare change) and I bought Minecraft.

How did I get my name?

My name is actually really easy to explain. It is quite literally the first 2 letters of my first name and the first 4 letters of my last name. Jodimo. However, this name has been a part of my life since grade school, when my best friend called me Jodimo (pronounced Joe Dimo). It stuck, and more of my friends and family members started to address me as Jodimo around the house, normally as a joke. It seemed logical to have my name as something that has been around for so long.

Why did I come to MCGamer?

At the time I joined MCGamer for the first time, it was still known as MCSG. I did not know how to add a Multiplayer server to my list, so I went to the trusty source, YouTube. There I found Devon who provided us with the IPs to the servers. Back then, we had to direct connect to each server and it was extremely difficult to get into a game without getting kicked by a donor. I met some people that I quickly realized always played in the same server, high up in the server list (high was 50 then). This particular group of people played on US 40, and so I ended up spending a lot of time there.

Why did I apply for staff at MCGamer?

While playing with the usual group of friends, I met AlmostBreezy, who I ended up becoming very good friends with very quickly. We played for hours a day until he finally brought up the idea of becoming staff. I encouraged him to apply for staff, but, at the time, I had not wanted to become staff quite yet. In September of 2013, I finally had reached the conclusion that the abuse and harassment I saw some people give to each other was too much, and I applied to get declined for lack of information twice before I finally reached the interview stage on October 22, 2013. I waited until December 29, 2013 and got declined in my interview. I didn’t let that get me down and I reapplied in March. I was accepted as a Moderator on March 30, 2014.

What is my journey as a staff member like?

I personally love being a staff member at MCGamer. I started off slowly. I knew nothing about the forums and I became extremely nervous when I was faced with a TeamSpeak issue. I tended to stay away from many other staff members and stuck to dealing with in game situations.

My mentor through the first month or two as a staff member was JacyNinja. She was a great friend that was always supportive of me, encouraged me to be happy, and just all around was fun to be around. She always offered helpful advice for both Moderator and Personal things.

There was one time the day I became a staff member that I asked for someone to “Vote 4” which happened to be Teweran Survival Games 2, and they told me that they were going to report me. Of course I was fine, but I was scared of losing the rank that I worked so hard to earn. I had yet to have been able to help the community at that time. That was the first time that I knew that Moderation would be a big commitment of mine.

About two months after I became a staff member, I started speaking to more people. I met a plethora of friends that I sometimes still speak to. I learned that some people had the same issues that I did with TeamSpeak, and I definitely was not the worst with the forums either. There was one day, about two and a half months after being a Moderator where I learned that a Sr Moderator had had a horrible issue with public speaking, and so, after listening to them speak about it for a few minutes, I felt inspired. After listening to that Sr Moderator, I became a completely different Moderator. I began to take a bit more of an initiative, I offered my opinion on situations, I showed the leadership that I had so long desired, and I felt like I was fully helping the community.

I met Equalitee soon after, and we quickly became the best of friends. We were arm-in-arm, or however you decide to put that. He helped me overcome what little fear I had left, and I was a lot more social than I had been beforehand. One day, after being assured by LadyOfLove that Sr Moderators do not bite, we were moved up to a channel with her, GotCubes, and Bowser52000. I became friends with most of the Sr Staff members. I also met my best friend, ChandelleMC. I met so many people that I trust, that make me laugh, that I could never live without. With their help, I became a leader..

On October 4, 2014, I was offered Trial Sr Moderator. Of course I took this opportunity, and I was absolutely ecstatic because I would finally get the chance to help out on a bit of a higher level. I wanted to prove myself, and on November 1, 2014, I passed my trial. Today, I enjoy every moment as a staff member, and as always, I will try to help in any way that is possible.

A message to the staff team:

You all work extremely hard every day to ensure that the community is safe. Keep it up, and remember that your work is appreciated. Thank you for everything that you do, and without you, things would be a lot less enjoyable.

A message to the community:

This community has saved me in more ways than I can think. Through every situation, I have learned more and more, developed more experience, and strengthened myself as a person. I thank you all for being you, and making this community an enjoyable to be in. Through all of the communities I have been in, Minecraft or not, this one has been by far the most welcoming. Thank you all.

Here’s to many more (days, months, years?) as a staff member,



Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
Congratulations Joey! 1000 posts is an awesome achievement, so well done. Nice story also, short and sweet.

I also just noticed I haven't had the pleasure of talking with you on TeamSpeak yet, maybe soon? :p


Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
Congrats Joey on 1000 posts! Way to go, and can't wait to see you get to 2000! #ForumsMaster


Jun 14, 2014
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I would just like to say congrats on 1000th messages Joey. Your story really inspired me and some mentioned instances really related to me as a person. As a staff member you are always there when I need reassurance and would just like to say a big thank you. I hope I get the chance to talk to you more and just would like to wish you best of luck in the near future.


Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Congratulations Joey. <3

Thanks for being there for me when I needed it.


i control this entire operation
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
I wish to congratulate you Jodimo. Here is to many more years.

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