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Jimmer - Meet the Community


Aug 16, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Jimmer
Nickname: Everybody calls me Jimmer, although there are a select few that are allowed to call me other names.
IGN: _Jimmer
Age: 18
Which region do you play on?: US
What is your favorite aspect of the MCGamer Network?: Hanging out on Teamspeak with all of my various friends that I have made during my time here.
One embarrassing moment in your life?: I walked into a screen door at a family function :(
One cool fact about yourself?: I've played AAA hockey all of my life, and had a chance to get drafted into the OHL. Hasn't exactly panned out yet.
Which are your best friends in the Community?: Dave, Kat, Bowser52000, Cubes and others
When did you join MCGamer?: I first logged in to the servers during the spring of 2013, but it wasn't till September 2013 that I really started to get into the community, so to speak.
How did you find out about MCGamer?: Watching Survival Games videos of BajanCanadian and JeromeASF on YouTube.
PvP Strengths & Weaknesses?: I'm god-awful at PVP so I really don't have any strengths or weaknesses. I'm just all around terrible.
What is your favorite Gamemode?: I don't really have a favourite since I mostly hang out in the hub with friends. I don't mind Deadly Descent, however.
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Since March 2013.
Who's your favorite Staff member & VIP?: My favourite staff member is Kat, for several reasons that I won't take the time to list here. My favourite VIP is a tie between Dave and Cubes
What is your favorite SG map?: I was a big fan of Moonlight Lake back in the day when it was still active on the servers. Nowadays, I have to go with SG 4.
What are your top three goals in the MCGamer Network?: I'd like to continue my work at Team Elite as an administrator, for sure. In terms of my other two goals, I'd like to win some sort of event - it's something I haven't done in my 2+ years of being here. My last goal would likely be to return to the staff team in some sort of capacity.
Who is your favorite MCGamer YouTuber?: Lemonz87
What is your favorite MCGamer TeamSpeak Event?: I can't say the old Live Concert sessions because that would make me seem biased. Probably OMN.
What is your favorite MCGamer memory?: I've had way too many memories with MCGamer for me to pick one that I love the most. I couldn't possibly list all of the good times that I've had here, because I would forget about so many. Consider my favourite memory to be all of them, so to speak.

Peace out y'all


May 16, 2013
Reaction score
Yass, Moonlight Lake<3 Gosh, I do miss that map incredibly :(
Nice to meet you ;)

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