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Jack's MCSG Story

Jan 27, 2013
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Okay, time for a brief history lesson. In the November of 2011, I started watching a YouTuber called 'AntVenom'. Although, I didn't buy Minecraft until December 2011 (when it was officially released and I got my own computer). I only played SSP (Survival SinglePlayer), never multiplayer. I got pretty good at it, I learned how to live on what resources I had (I also defeated the Ender Dragon on hardcore mode!).

Okay, now onto the real stuff! In the March of 2012, a movie came out called 'The Hunger Games' (You might of heard of it). Me and all of my friends went to see it and loved it. One day in April, one of my IRL friends linked me to a website called McPvP (It was sort of a kit PvP server). I logged on, chose the kit 'barbarian' (you get a stone sword at the start, although it was pretty pointless due to the fact there was a 2 minute grace period). So, I started to mine some iron (which I was pretty used too). I managed to get full iron, iron sword (no diamond ore spawned in the world), a bow and some arrows in the first couple of minutes. But, when it came down to PvP, I was bad. Although I came 2nd in my first game (which must stand for something).

I eventually got bored of that, so I stopped. On 16/05/2012 my favourite YouTuber (AntVenom) uploaded his POV of 'The Survival Games 2' (my favourite of all The Survival Games maps). So I googled 'Survival Games servers' and clicked on the top result which brought me to the MCSG website. I found a server and logged on, I waited for god knows how long before the game started. There were 12 people in-game when we started, I went to spawn although I didn't manage to get any loot. So I ran around getting chests. I managed to get a decent amount of armour, food and an iron sword. It got to Deathmatch, I let them fight it out when one of the guys died I went in and killed the other guy. But, due to my nooby PvP skills I almost died. I played MCSG on and off for the next few months.

Fast forward to about December, my IRL friend finally got his own computer and got a Minecraft account. So, I told him to join a MCSG server. We no-lifed MCSG, racking up almost 50 wins each. We thought we were so pro. We played together until about April. I took a break from MCSG due to the fact that I was raging. I raged because every time I was doing good either my Minecraft would crash or my Internet would crash (This is probably one of the reasons why my W/L ratio is pretty bad. I did the math and I have won 13% of my games overall. Whereas now I probably win about 1/4) . I also took a break because I had to concentrate on school work.

Okay, I started playing MCSG again about half-way through May. I started soloing due to the fact it was easier and I didn't have to look after anyone else but myself. Although nearer the end of May, me and my friend joined a clan called #Vortex. I got my 100th win in that clan (I was so proud of myself). Eventually that clan disbanded due to all of its good members leaving. I decided to not be in a clan for while. But then about halfway through June, me and my IRL friend got asked to join a clan called #TheSlayers. We had lots of fun in that clan. Unfortunately, that clan disbanded due to reasons I will not discuss in this thread.

Although lucky for me, the owner of #TheSlayers created a new/better clan called #InfernoElite. I had a lot of fun in that clan and I was meeting new people. I also managed to get 200 wins in that clan (To be honest, I never imagined myself getting 100 wins. The map that I got the win on was MoonBase9!). Although, that disbanded aswell due to the fact it became a revamp of #TheSlayers (which the owner didn't like).

I am currently in a clan called #NightRavens, I am getting close to my 300th win (although I am on holiday at the moment, so no MCSG for me!). I am currently having a lot of fun playing with some old and new friends that I have made in this community. Hopefully I will continue to make some new friends and I don't see myself quitting MCSG soon.

Time to say thank you to some awesome/sexy people!

oldgranny94 - That name. Oh and for being my IRL friend and team mate.
AngryJEW10 - For being my first proper teammate besides OldGranny94 and just for being an awesome person :3. Although, I still hate you for hitting me of the top of spawn on Rugged Lands with a hobostick!
w0wmonkey - For being in my first proper 3 team and for being sexy. :D
Minialan - Probably the person I play with most everyday. Awesome teammate. Owner of #TheSlayers and #InfernoElite.
Honeypoo10 - You sexy mooshroom. Helped me get my 200th win. :3
Shaunypie87 - I remember our first game together. We got stuck in a hole on Freeze Island and we tried to punch each other out and you managed to break my helmet. :3
celinevanelden - Pro-nub and amazingly nice person. :3
mrflump123 - Pro-rager. :3

And to any that is not here, that I may have teamed with you are truly amazing. :3

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