1. Name: Jonas
2. Nickname: Jonny
3. Age: 17
4. In-Game-Name: Sovki_
5. Skype name: jonas.sovki
6. Wins/Losses: 12/69 (I'm new here, but I used to be a very good SG player on The Hub)
7. Previous clan(s): None here.
8. Donor: [Yes or No and which one]: I got an acc with donor! Diamond I think.
9. Nation: Norway, originally from Finland, hence Sovki.
10. Why do you think we should accept you? I'm a good pvper, I can help good in TFs, and I've beaten some of your players on Badlion, "SpecialRandy", Would be nice to prove to you that I'm good enough even tho I've got a lack of playing here on the maps on MCGamer and not sooo used to the fishing rod PvP yet. But please, let me get a tryout!