First name: Marcus
2. IGN (In-Game Name): TheSantex, Ompalompa_
3. Skype name: marcusvad
4. Wins/Losses: TheSantex: 14/96 (kills: 226) Ompalompa_: 48/171 (kills: 390)
5. Age: 14
6. Donor on MCSG [Yes OR No]: TheSantex:Yes, Diamond, Ompalompa_: no
7. PvP Strengths (detail will increase acceptance chance): Bow, fns and water fights, pvp tactics
8. PvP Weaknesses (detail will increase acceptance chance): Close rod fight
9. Why apply for this clan? (detail will increase acceptance chance): Because it seems lke a really fun clan to join and hopefully i can bring even more fun and some good pvp into the clan.. and actually become helpfull
10. Why should we accept you? (detail will increase acceptance chance): Because i can bring some good pvp into the clan.. and allways positive attitude!
11. Favorite map? Winds of change
12. Knowledge of most callouts, routes and locations of popular maps? Yes.. experienced player..
13. Previous clans: Icarus.. and some others that i forgott the name of
14. Country: Norway
NOTE: my friend who's a massive troll stats resetted TheSantex when i had 550/1740