IGN: SexyBabyJesusZZ
Skype (Must Have): Demonic_bwe_bwe
Continent (Region): North america/Us
Wins: 29, I'll explain the bad stats in the last question.
Maps good at?: Any
Maps bad at?: Breeze Island, sg 2.
PvP Strengths: Fishing rod, bow locking,
PvP Weaknesses: F&s
Why should be accept you?: I've played MCSG for a couple years, back when it was in the "classic." day. Over all the time I never saw stats as an opportunity to show how good I was, so I never bothered with trying to get good stats, so that answers the reason my stats are bad (Hopefully it doesn't affect my chances.). I know my own strengths, if someone has better gear than I do, I'll usually back off, unless I have a teammate to back me up. During clan battles I wont stray off from the group, so if someone needs me, or if someone needs help, I can be right there to help. I'm good at protecting my teammates, I will make sure that they're not going to get killed, and if that may be the case, I will step in to draw attention towards myself, allowing said teammate to regen, and have us fight the player/players together. I don't cause flame if I don't like another player, I just do my best to not come in contact with him, to avoid any issues. This is a small explanation as to why I think you should accept me.