IGN: Baccas_R_Us
Age: 13
Skype (Must Have): baccabrody
Continent (Region): 'Murica
Wins:43/500 (I l2p at 250)
Maps good at?: Sg4, Valleyside, Teweran Sg2 and 3, Demons breeze, breeze island 1 and 2, Chernobyl, sg highway, solar frost, mortal skies.
Maps bad at?: none except the under played maps like Enchanted forest, origins, sg ancient japan, ya know.
PvP Strengths: Bow, Sword, FnS, (people have called me Huahwi for my flint and steels
and rod and strafing
PvP Weaknesses: Water, especially when there's a team
Why should be accept you?: Cuz I slay all day
Will you be active?: Yus