Skype (Must Have)live:gavin20048
Continent (Region):I play on whatever
Wins:17 (Mostly cause of hackers)
Maps good at?:Breeze Island, Holiday Resort, Survival Games 4, Not too bad at Teweran Survival Games 2, Lobby Games, Hub Map
Maps bad at?: Moonbase9, Survival Games 3, Survival Games 1, Survival Games 2, Teweran Survival Games 1
PvP Strengths: Average it depends what situation im in.
PvP Weaknesses:Cornored 0r people with better armor or example: If I have a wooden axe and the other guy has a stone axe I could probably take him.
Why should be accept you?:Im actually good at pvp and this would be the first clan I get maybe accepted on and Im really active