First name? :Kalin
-IGN? :Kalin (nu e de mine ales numele asta )
-Skype name? :Kalin1613
-Age? :12
-Wins/Losses? :140 2500
-Donor? :Nope
-PvP Strengths? :sword,fns,rod
-PvP Weakness? :Bow
-Favorite Map? :Alaskan village
-How active will you be daily? :From 16:00
-Where are you from? :Romania
-Do you have teamspeak? :Nope
-How well on a scale of 1/10 do you speak english? :8,50
-What previous clans have you been in? :Rampage,Retro
-Why do you want to join Invicible? :Bcuz i'm happy
-How will you help our clan? :With my skills