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#InverseSG [EU]

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Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Age: 14 :O
Skype name (Pm If necessary): You have it :p
How many wins: 1820
Games played: 4576
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
Timezone: GMT +1
PvP Strengths: Sword, Using the rod defensive and offensively and the same with FnS.
PvP Weaknesses: The bow and MCSG crap...
What type of player would you say you are: A all rounder I guess...
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: Looks like a fun clan and has some nice people int he clan :)
What clans have you been in previously: #RevolutionizeMCSG, #Exotic, #Cursed and #Ghost
Anything else: Umm not really


Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
Here we go, sorry for being slow!

Age: 13
Skype name (Pm If necessary): xswede_mc
How many wins: i have 270+ on my xSwede acc and 8 on my new account called GetRekd_ (GetRekd_ is also my main acc)
Games played: i have played 1484 times on my xSwede acc and 50+ times on GetRekd_ (Bad ratio but its mainly because of the hacker party on SG right now)
Do you have a mic?: yes.
Timezone: Sweden (gmt +1)
PvP Strengths: Bow and fishing rod
PvP Weaknesses: Sometimes i feel like its hard to avoid FnS but i will practice on that more :D
What type of player would you say you are: A Bower
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: Because i meet u along time ago (Master_kezo, i saw u and i added ur skype. You had just created ur account.)
What clans have you been in previously: #Chaotic, #EndGamers trial
Anything else: I liek bananas :D
Declined - Reason: You do not have enough wins, feel free to reapply when you do :)
IGN: FaYnZeik
Age: 13
Skype name (Pm If necessary): darny012
How many wins: 407
Games played: 2100+
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
Timezone: Same as Rotta.
PvP Strengths: Combos, FnS, A little bit Rod
PvP Weaknesses: Bow Fights ;-;
What type of player would you say you are: Offensive, sometimes defensive
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: I need a clan, and I think #InverseSG has potential
What clans have you been in previously: #Duality, #Frustration, #Miracle
Anything else: Not really
Accepted for trial - You will be added on Skype shorltly :)
Age: 13
Skype name (Pm If necessary): Mr.lista
How many wins: 565
Games played:1900+
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Timezone: GB or something
PvP Strengths: Sword - Bow - FnS - strafing
PvP Weaknesses: Teams of 2 - hackers
What type of player would you say you are: I concentrate a lot to get the best pvp! but I can also talk.
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: Because im looking for a new fresh clan because I took a break from clans.
What clans have you been in previously: #TeamSypher some other but I can not remember....
Anything else: I love monkeys, monkeys love you.
Accepted for trial
IGN: xtoyszy
Age: 14
Skype name (Pm If necessary): christian.t64
How many wins: 260
Games played: 1900
Do you have a mic?: yes
Timezone: eu
PvP Strengths: rod fns
PvP Weaknesses: fns
What type of player would you say you are: good playet :3
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: swag clan
What clans have you been in previously:
Anything else: nope
Declined - Reason: You do not have enough wins, feel free to reapply when you do :)
IGN: Mobsterminator
Age: 17
Skype name (Pm If necessary): lolisntlmao
How many wins: 532
Games played: 1270
Do you have a mic?: yup
Timezone: UK summer time
PvP Strengths: Strong in core PVP skills (bow, melee, FnS etc), play tactically
PvP Weaknesses: Combat in confined spaces
What type of player would you say you are: Tactical/defensive
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: For fun, I suppose. I happen to be quite competitive though
What clans have you been in previously: Valiant, Sempiternal (neither exist anymore, and from a long time ago)
Anything else: Well, I'm studying A-levels and exams are forthcoming. I imagine I'll still be on plenty but there's no guarantee. Also, I can deal with hackers pretty well (banned quite a few).
Accepted - You will be added on Skype shorltly :)
IGN: Siddigarpur
Age: 14
Skype name (Pm If necessary): You have him
How many wins: 182
Games played: *Saying this under my breath* 1560
Do you have a mic?: I have a blue snowman
Timezone: GMT
PvP Strengths: Im kinda a jack of all trades, but im good with the bow
PvP Weaknesses: Araxed, When i get low ping
What type of player would you say you are: Depends on who i am team'd with and what we are doing
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: Cuz i lick you guys and fink u freeky
What clans have you been in previously: #Exotic #Cursed, none of you have heard of them before
Anything else: Pie, and let's go and potato!
Declined - Reason: You do not have enough wins, feel free to reapply when you do :)
Age: 14 :O
Skype name (Pm If necessary): You have it :p
How many wins: 1820
Games played: 4576
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
Timezone: GMT +1
PvP Strengths: Sword, Using the rod defensive and offensively and the same with FnS.
PvP Weaknesses: The bow and MCSG crap...
What type of player would you say you are: A all rounder I guess...
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: Looks like a fun clan and has some nice people int he clan :)
What clans have you been in previously: #RevolutionizeMCSG, #Exotic, #Cursed and #Ghost
Anything else: Umm not really
Accepted - You will be added on Skype shorltly :)


Apr 3, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: Zekrom_Ares|Gwduanra360
Age: 13 in 3 month (12)
Skype name (Pm If necessary): Playplay.pasut
How many wins: 1450|181
Games played: 6250|780
Do you have a mic?: Yeap :D
Timezone: GMT+7
PvP Strengths: Sword and rod
PvP Weaknesses: LAG (I consistency get 3-4 bars bcz I'm zeh asian and i live far from EU)
What type of player would you say you are: All-rounder :p
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: This clan seems like a great one and theres many cool people. I have the potential to strike up high with you guys if am accepted :D.
What clans have you been in previously: AS Phoenix
Anything else: I'm a player so i get 3-4 bars but i can still do well if i get use to the lag and delays.


Mar 17, 2014
Reaction score
Crackling, I already have Scottie, Kezo and Rotta on skype :)
I think one of those can contact me :)
Just if you tell them


Nov 3, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: SimoKryt and simaobigares2001
Skype name (Pm If necessary): simao.bigares
How many wins: around 165
Games played:around 1000
Do you have a mic?:yes
PvP Strengths: Sword, fns and fishing rod
PvP Weaknesses: dodging bow and fns
What type of player would you say you are: Im an offensive player, not good at defense, suck with the bow
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: Becausei think its an amazing clan, that im really gonna have fun and improve my pvp skills
What clans have you been in previously: #Draconis, #Carbon, #Aquatic
Anything else: I know i dont have a lot of wins but i think i have enough level to be in the clan


Mar 3, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: Zekrom_Ares|Gwduanra360
Age: 13 in 3 month (12)
Skype name (Pm If necessary): Playplay.pasut
How many wins: 1450|181
Games played: 6250|780
Do you have a mic?: Yeap :D
Timezone: GMT+7
PvP Strengths: Sword and rod
PvP Weaknesses: LAG (I consistency get 3-4 bars bcz I'm zeh asian and i live far from EU)
What type of player would you say you are: All-rounder :p
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: This clan seems like a great one and theres many cool people. I have the potential to strike up high with you guys if am accepted :D.
What clans have you been in previously: AS Phoenix
Anything else: I'm a player so i get 3-4 bars but i can still do well if i get use to the lag and delays.
You have been ACCEPTED for InverseSG for Trial
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