IGN: ivaanrv_ ( for cw but i play sgsolo in this account 2.4 radio) and byraxh15 ( for stats )
Wins/Loss: 212/1968 ( ivaanrv_ ) 45/192 ( byraxh15 )
Donor: is ivaanrv_ yes (platinum) but in byraxh15 no
Skype Name: lazanety.mcsg
PvP Strenghts: sword
PvP Weakness: bow
Favourite Maps: Alaskan, Par72 and Section Six
Past clans: Offensive, ExtremeForce
Ping: 90-100
How will you help our clan: many cws help him playing and winning, with friendship and fellowship
Active daily (1-10): 1-2h but in weekend all day maybe
Nationality: Spain