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Instinct II [US & CA]

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Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
I was gonna post the same on your thread, but you beat me -.-
Good luck to you to, it will be a good experience fighting an EU clan. Lets scrimmage sometime? ;)
Sure, we could set up one, not this, but next weekend? :D


Jan 20, 2014
Reaction score
1.) Name:Spencer Brown
2.) Age:15
3.) Minecraft IGN:Spencer99ad
4.) MCSG Wins:103
5.) MCSG Games Played:2,501
6.) Premium [Y/N]:Yes, I am a diamond donor although the forum doesn't show it for some reason
7.) Maturity [1/10]:9
8.) Availability [1/10]:9
9.) Skype Username [PM if you don't want to share]: Spencer99ad
10.) TeamSpeak/Skype [Y/N]:Yes
11.) PvP Strengths/Weaknesses [Explain]:I am best with sword and bow,
I have a lot of experience with these and am decent with FNS. My one weakness is fishing rod.
12.) Why should we accept you?:I am a very experienced mcsg player with good PVP skills and would be very dedicated to this clan. I want to be in a good clan with other experienced players
that I know will help me to be successful. I know I don't have that many wins, but when I first started playing my computer only got 30 fps on a good day.
I have recently upgraded my computer and am now able to get more wins with the higher fps. I have applied to Purge before and was denied, but was told to come back in a few weeks and apply again.
If you accept me as part of this amazing clan I will prove myself the most worthy and hardworking member of Instinct and you won't be let down.
13.) Are you active [Y/N]:Yes, I play every day
14.) Were you invited?:Yes, by TreeShaker451


Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
1.) Name:Spencer Brown
2.) Age:15
3.) Minecraft IGN:Spencer99ad
4.) MCSG Wins:103
5.) MCSG Games Played:2,501
6.) Premium [Y/N]:Yes, I am a diamond donor although the forum doesn't show it for some reason
7.) Maturity [1/10]:9
8.) Availability [1/10]:9
9.) Skype Username [PM if you don't want to share]: Spencer99ad
10.) TeamSpeak/Skype [Y/N]:Yes
11.) PvP Strengths/Weaknesses [Explain]:I am best with sword and bow,
I have a lot of experience with these and am decent with FNS. My one weakness is fishing rod.
12.) Why should we accept you?:I am a very experienced mcsg player with good PVP skills and would be very dedicated to this clan. I want to be in a good clan with other experienced players
that I know will help me to be successful. I know I don't have that many wins, but when I first started playing my computer only got 30 fps on a good day.
I have recently upgraded my computer and am now able to get more wins with the higher fps. I have applied to Purge before and was denied, but was told to come back in a few weeks and apply again.
If you accept me as part of this amazing clan I will prove myself the most worthy and hardworking member of Instinct and you won't be let down.
13.) Are you active [Y/N]:Yes, I play every day
14.) Were you invited?:Yes, by TreeShaker451
Your Application has been Declined.
  • Dont meet our requirements.
  • You may reaplly when u meet our requirement
Have a Nice day:)
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