Some basic requirements:
- We greatly prefer 18+, but with enough experience and enough detail in your application, we will accept younger. Sorry, we are not currently accepting anyone under the age of 15! Don't lie about your age, we have ways of finding out the truth!
- We generally prefer users with previous Moderator/Admin experience. Please provide proof (posting IPs, links, etc., etc).
- We ignore all applicants with 3 or more bans on MCBans, MCBouncer and/or MineBans.
- We ignore all applicants who have current or previous bans on our servers.
- Applications with poorly written replies or one sentence replies will be overlooked.
- Applications that do not follow the template will be overlooked.
- All applicants need a microphone that they can use to communicate with players/staff on our TeamSpeak. It is your decision to buy a microphone if you do not have one; it does not guarantee you will be accepted as a moderator.
(Taken from the official post.)
If you have not applied 3 times already, you can re-apply once you meet all the requirements, unless you were specifically told not to re-apply.