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Imagination [EU]


Jul 10, 2014
Reaction score

Not changing my attitude for a mong like you. And this community is crap anyways because of scrubs like you.

but k i wil go talk te slotpec langage cuz dis comooniti lavs et rait cuz most off ur kaind laik dis!!11!1
No, the community is not crap because of Zethiz and others, it's crap because people like you are flaming others all the time without a reason, I think everyone here is happy that you quit MCSG :) I hope you'll leave this thread now as Zethiz already told you to leave and it's his clanpage.


Nov 13, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Herman
IGN: jubib / Luneax
Skype/TS name: My skype name is hermanhassan21. And if you see jubib on your Teamspeak that's me
Age (13 Minimum): I'm 14 years old
Country: Norway
Wins (400 Minimum / A good W/L Ratio): Jubib: 56 Luneax: 48 however on Hive I got over 1000 wins on my main (jubib)
Games played: jubib: 1456 (I didn't play MCSG that much so I let my brother use the account to play here since he had none I think maybe like 300 of those games are mine and 50 of the wins not sure though) Luneax: 148
PVP Strengths: My strengths would definitively straight up sword fights.
I'm good at strafing and I also click fast which makes me kill the opponent easily. Another strength of mine is the flint and steel I'm mainly good at this cause the buttons on the side of my mouse. I'm also a quite good bower however at times I could be terrible
PVP Weaknesses: My weaknesses is mainly since I'm a hive player I'm not used to the range here and I end up running a bit late so people get hits they wouldn't get on hive. Also that I barely know routes and I'm usually under stacked
Previous Clans: The only MCSG clan I have been in is Dauntless 2.0. However I have been in a lot of HiveSG clans, so I know how clans work.


Mar 23, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Daan
IGN: kipje1122
Skype/TS name: daan.kesseler
Age (13 Minimum): 14
Country: Netherlands
Wins (400 Minimum / A good W/L Ratio): 705/2816 a 1 in 4 ratio
Games played: 2816
PVP Strengths: FnS and bow
PVP Weaknesses: fishing rod, even though im working on it atm
Previous Clans: #ExtantEU #synergy #thekillercandyy
Accepted for trial!

Name: Herman
IGN: jubib / Luneax
Skype/TS name: My skype name is hermanhassan21. And if you see jubib on your Teamspeak that's me
Age (13 Minimum): I'm 14 years old
Country: Norway
Wins (400 Minimum / A good W/L Ratio): Jubib: 56 Luneax: 48 however on Hive I got over 1000 wins on my main (jubib)
Games played: jubib: 1456 (I didn't play MCSG that much so I let my brother use the account to play here since he had none I think maybe like 300 of those games are mine and 50 of the wins not sure though) Luneax: 148
PVP Strengths: My strengths would definitively straight up sword fights.
I'm good at strafing and I also click fast which makes me kill the opponent easily. Another strength of mine is the flint and steel I'm mainly good at this cause the buttons on the side of my mouse. I'm also a quite good bower however at times I could be terrible
PVP Weaknesses: My weaknesses is mainly since I'm a hive player I'm not used to the range here and I end up running a bit late so people get hits they wouldn't get on hive. Also that I barely know routes and I'm usually under stacked
Previous Clans: The only MCSG clan I have been in is Dauntless 2.0. However I have been in a lot of HiveSG clans, so I know how clans work.
Accepted for trial!


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
Maybe that's because me and Kyle have only made 2 clans and not 15 like these scrubs.
You are being rude to them because they are making another clan. I dont know you and I think I have talked to you once, but this shows a lot about how rude you are. Why would you even criticaize them ( I am not sure how to type that word ) for making a new clan, what if they want to make another clan. Plus if they are making a new clan they will have enough reasons to make it that you might not know. Whenever you start a clan what you need i support not hate, I know that for fact. So please dont make me/them waste the time and leave this thread, thank you. Also Lifeyz and Zethiz good luck bbs <3.


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Sebi
IGN: demetzeu
Skype/TS name: Skype : pop.sebi25
Age (13 Minimum): 14
Country: Romania
Wins (400 Minimum / A good W/L Ratio): 500
Games played: 2900
PVP Strengths: Combos with the bow , flint'n'steel
PVP Weaknesses: Hackers ..
Previous Clans: WarGodz , Requelle , MagicWeapon
Declined - Applying for multiple clans at the same time.

Apply For Mine <3
Why do you even write that on another clan's thread?

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