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Im leaving MCSG :(

Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Hey guys its NoobyGamingHD, I have some bad news. Im leaving MCSG. IM just going to give you guys a short version of whats kind of happenng. So I was playing the Hive off and on for a while, But it just was never like MCSG, but as the months go on MCSG is just beginning to become not as fun. I was also gaining a bad rep. by clan hopping which I very much apoligize for. And since I got the name as clan hopper every clan I joined just made fun of me then kicked me. I was just getting abused at that point. So I started playing the Hive and its gotton fun and it is more of a competition because I dont know anyone there, I hope to just start a new fresh beginning there. I will be on the MCSG servers once and a while but rarley. I may come back to MCSG but I doubt it, So for now guys Its a goodbye, and this will always be my home and youll always be my family<3
I would just like to tag a few people that helped me through my MCSG journey.

He Is my cousin and he was the reason I would be here today. If it wasnt for him I wouldnt be playing MCSG and without him I probs wouldve quit MC, I had some horrible and rough times in MC and IRL and I ccall him and he gets me through it everytime. Hes not only my cousin but one of my best friends<3

I know we have had our differences but no matter what you gave me a second chance, even if it cost you other members leaving. You are one of the funniest guys I know. I will still talk to you guys though<3 Good luck with the clan<33333


TBH without him I think I wouldve quit MC, He made me have some amazing times on the MCSG servers and we always have fun together. We will still talk<3


Hes been an amzing friend and without him I dont think any of this would be possible<3


Always so nice and was my friend since back in Pulse.
Also my amazing UHC partner<3


Another one thats been my friend since Pulse. We have been friends for a while and hes really nice and We had some amazing MCSG memories<3

Sorry if I didnt Tag you, But if you helped me through hard times.. U know who u are

Bye to everyone and this whole amazing wonderfully made awesome MCSG Community


Oct 29, 2013
Reaction score
For the short time we talked you seemed really cool. I wish you the best of luck on hive Nooby! Bye


Jul 14, 2013
Reaction score
...Speechless. I guess this is goodbye Nooby. You were an awesome guy dude, I never hated you. Just because you clan hopped a but doesn't change the person you are. You are still a cool and funny dude. I don't know if I could stop you from switching to Hive, but if I can't, don't forget us Nooby. We are all still your friends and will never forget you. I wish you luck on your journeys through Hive and hope you have a great time... Later Nooby <3


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