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Idea- Server Wide Ranking System


Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score

One goal that many servers have is to find a way to keep the server’s players on the network longer. This goal caused me to ponder ways to achieve that, and of course, I came across big ideas like new game types that would take a lot of work, but I also thought of a smaller one that I believe could have a positive, beneficial effect. Personally, I enjoy games and servers that allow advancement, like leveling up from experience points from doing well in-game. It gives the player something to work on and take time to achieve (keeping them on the server longer and increasing daily play time) without out being a "pay to win" concept.

The ranking system can stay simple (like a color coded number beside your IGN), or drastic and flashy like Titles (Rookie, Advance, Expert). You could also just keep the ranks as a title for bragging rights or competitions to see who has the highest rank. You could also add color-coded numbers (the more you advance the different color you get, like at 20 "x color" and 40 another) or just titles like stated before.

The rank could also be server-wide, or if preferred, separate for each game.

Thanks for reading,


*Edit* I didn't realize I was in the Community Corner, can this be moved to the correct Forum section please, I couldn't find a way to delete it :)

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