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I am very disappointed with MCSG! (Lags,Crashes all the time!)

What was your experience with MCSG in the last few months?

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Sep 15, 2012
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Everything started around 3-6 months ago when you guys told you were going to move to the new hosting servers.
I was like okay but I have not had any problem at that time.

I was always playing on EU servers.
There was a news that EU servers are having problem with that 5 second lag that happen to every person at the different time which means the games were unplayable. (Unfair fights)
From that moment everything that was good went drastically bad.
From HUGE amount of lag to crashing servers.
Then you guys added a new maps which came with a lot of bugs!
Invisible people on Breeze Island 2 with no tier 2 chests!
Then the bounty glitch ruined the look of each player!
You guys told you were going to reset points for each player but that never happened!
I was like okay, lets just move to the US server then. At first it was ok, but later it started to lag like crazy.
Oh and the one when game pushes you back for some weird reason you have to shift to fix it.
And of course hackers can still fly and use speed hacks.
That may be the Minecraft bug but still.

You guys told us you are trying to fix the problem you are having.
It has been over an 3 months and nothing changed!

I have just one questions to Owner,Admins,Sr.Moderators,Moderators and Developers.
What are you guys doing???
So much people are complaining about this.

Just please do not add more things to the servers, please first fix the bugs!

Just so everyone know I did not mean anything bad to people in this community.
I have just told my experience in last few months and they were horrible.
If I would rate the server form 1/10 I would gave it 5 just because I am playing here for so long.


Jul 12, 2013
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Some of what you say is true and I agree...
But I have never ever seen a hacker fly on MCSG or anyone move quicker than another player. You talk about the US server being very laggy for you. If you're playing the US server and your from AU, or somewhere similar, obviously you are going to lag. And the "Being teleported back glitch" that you speak of is just another variation of lag call "Slingshot Lag" which again is due to someone who is not from the US playing on a US server. New maps will normally come out with bugs, and will shortly be fixed by Devs. The staff are very busy people and I look up to them because they are wise and deal with so much on the servers. Instead of saying "What are you doing about all this" Think about the 10,000 other things that staff have to deal with first. The staff are amazing, Just be patient. Don't get me wrong, I understand your frustration but it's also happening to everyone else, not just you.


(And have a great day :p)


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
I have just one questions to Owner,Admins,Sr.Moderators,Moderators and Developers.
What are you guys doing???
I just got done with talking with Chad. He and the Devs have been working nonstop for the past several weeks trying to figure out the lag situation, particularly in EU. About two weeks ago they realized that the old data center was throttling the connection, but it would take even longer to actually move servers to another data host. It's a big move with a lot of logistical problems, so there were bound to be problems that would cause lag and such. Regardless, they spent as much time as they could addressing the problems as they came up. Believe it or not, those data center moves are a big deal, and they don't immediately solve every problem; there is no silver bullet.

The Developers were focused on the server issues before, but thanks to Mojang's sudden push for the 1.7 updates, the Devs have had to put their focus on something a bit more pressing. That update broke a lot more than people realize, and it's not just us: it's the entire MC modding community. As such, I know Ava is working right now trying to get everything up and working so that players are able to connect to our servers in the first place; if the amount of restarting in AU is any indication, the update issues are larger than we realize.

The Admins are coordinating with the players trying to pass good information to the devs and such on top of juggling staff management and the typical drama. Dave and I have recently attempted to spearhead some community events and such, but organizing such things is slow, particularly when there's so much else that needs to be attended to as well. It doesn't sound like much, but you only realize how much work it is when you're the one doing it.

The Sr. Staff are currently hiring mods as quickly as they can to address the complaints of increasing number of hackers. But that in itself is a slow process, particularly when dealing with interviews. But at the same time we cannot simply tell them to lower their standards in order to bring more people on faster. That would be a short-term win, long-term loss as poor-quality mods flood the system, make poor decisions, and only cause more problems.

And the mods... well, they're doing their best to catch all the rulebreakers they can. But as you might all know, it's a problem of scale, not of competency. I trust our mods to do their jobs and do them well, but there's only so much a small unit of mods can do against the supposed waves of hackers that are out there. That's really where player-submitted Report Abuses come in handy: crowdsourcing catching hackers the equivalent of adding another 10 mods to our system.

As an Admin, it's my job to know what everyone's working on. And that's what I see from my perspective.

What the players need to realize is that this problem isn't symptomatic of just us, nor do some magical solutions exist that will work immediately and perfectly.
For all the complaints of lag, I say that networking for servers as large as ours is not easy nor necessarily clean, but we're doing all we can to provide the best quality servers and the fastest connections for every region we have. And we remind people that we've even made a PSA to help people with any lag issues they may have.
For complaints of bugs and glitches, we have a dedicated bug-reporting section available. But at the same time, you have to realize that the developers are focusing something more pressing at this point in time: the Mojang updates. No bug fix is easy to find nor necessarily easy to fix, so everything will take time. But while ghosting and such is a problem for some players, every player who tries to log onto our servers will be affected if the servers aren't configured to work with the newest updates.
And for the complaints about hackers, I challenge the players to stand up and take matters into your own hands. While mod hiring takes a lot of time, Report Abuses take no time at all, and players can do it themselves. Instead of complaining, help us turn the tide. Hackers will always be a problem on online gaming, but at least we can do something about them here and now.

So you want to know what I'm doing? I'm writing this out now.


Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you so much for the answers.
I really like to see you guys work on it.
But the problem is still here for a long time now so I was asking myself what are you guys doing.
As I said these updates and everything made MCSG probably the lagiest server thst I ever played.


District 13
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
MCSG probably the lagiest server thst I ever played.
Really? I don't find MCG that laggy at all compared to many other servers. Today I just some lag spikes but nothing crazy. Point is that I've been on plenty of lagier servers than MCG.
A 1/10! Dude you're a tough rater! Please go on other servers and compare them to MCG also giving a server 1/10 for lag is the craziest thing I have heard of!


Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
Really? I don't find MCG that laggy at all compared to many other servers. Today I just some lag spikes but nothing crazy. Point is that I've been on plenty of lagier servers than MCG.
Well when I played today me and my friends had 5-10 second lag each 1-3 minutes.
It was just unplayable.
And all other famous server like mineplex worked just fine.
And US server keept laging for all people at the same time for some reason.
I remember the old good times on MCSG there was no lag at all. I enjoyed playing so much at that time but now I just quit because every round I play I get killed because I lag out or someone kill me while I have that 5 second lag.


Feb 2, 2013
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Well when I played today me and my friends had 5-10 second lag each 1-3 minutes.
It was just unplayable.
And all other famous server like mineplex worked just fine.
And US server keept laging for all people at the same time for some reason.
I remember the old good times on MCSG there was no lag at all. I enjoyed playing so much at that time but now I just quit because every round I play I get killed because I lag out or someone kill me while I have that 5 second lag.
Ok let me get this straight... you are complaining about speed/fly hackers, yet they can't use those hacks since NCP detects it and rubberbands them back. Now... Mineplex has NO NCP plugin, or a really bad one if they do, I played Mineplex a week back, I stopped since almost every game I saw fly hackers and speed hackers on games like Dragons and One in the Chamber or whatever, and they were saying " Oh, I'm the best at one in the quiver" and they're flying all over the place... so if you play on Mineplex, I have no idea why you're complaining about hackers here.


May 20, 2012
Reaction score
Although this may be true (I don't often play EU so I wouldn't know), you can rest assured that the staff are doing the best they can to get it resolved.


Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
I just got done with talking with Chad. He and the Devs have been working nonstop for the past several weeks trying to figure out the lag situation, particularly in EU. About two weeks ago they realized that the old data center was throttling the connection, but it would take even longer to actually move servers to another data host. It's a big move with a lot of logistical problems, so there were bound to be problems that would cause lag and such. Regardless, they spent as much time as they could addressing the problems as they came up. Believe it or not, those data center moves are a big deal, and they don't immediately solve every problem; there is no silver bullet.

The Developers were focused on the server issues before, but thanks to Mojang's sudden push for the 1.7 updates, the Devs have had to put their focus on something a bit more pressing. That update broke a lot more than people realize, and it's not just us: it's the entire MC modding community. As such, I know Ava is working right now trying to get everything up and working so that players are able to connect to our servers in the first place; if the amount of restarting in AU is any indication, the update issues are larger than we realize.

The Admins are coordinating with the players trying to pass good information to the devs and such on top of juggling staff management and the typical drama. Dave and I have recently attempted to spearhead some community events and such, but organizing such things is slow, particularly when there's so much else that needs to be attended to as well. It doesn't sound like much, but you only realize how much work it is when you're the one doing it.

The Sr. Staff are currently hiring mods as quickly as they can to address the complaints of increasing number of hackers. But that in itself is a slow process, particularly when dealing with interviews. But at the same time we cannot simply tell them to lower their standards in order to bring more people on faster. That would be a short-term win, long-term loss as poor-quality mods flood the system, make poor decisions, and only cause more problems.

And the mods... well, they're doing their best to catch all the rulebreakers they can. But as you might all know, it's a problem of scale, not of competency. I trust our mods to do their jobs and do them well, but there's only so much a small unit of mods can do against the supposed waves of hackers that are out there. That's really where player-submitted Report Abuses come in handy: crowdsourcing catching hackers the equivalent of adding another 10 mods to our system.

As an Admin, it's my job to know what everyone's working on. And that's what I see from my perspective.

What the players need to realize is that this problem isn't symptomatic of just us, nor do some magical solutions exist that will work immediately and perfectly.
For all the complaints of lag, I say that networking for servers as large as ours is not easy nor necessarily clean, but we're doing all we can to provide the best quality servers and the fastest connections for every region we have. And we remind people that we've even made a PSA to help people with any lag issues they may have.
For complaints of bugs and glitches, we have a dedicated bug-reporting section available. But at the same time, you have to realize that the developers are focusing something more pressing at this point in time: the Mojang updates. No bug fix is easy to find nor necessarily easy to fix, so everything will take time. But while ghosting and such is a problem for some players, every player who tries to log onto our servers will be affected if the servers aren't configured to work with the newest updates.
And for the complaints about hackers, I challenge the players to stand up and take matters into your own hands. While mod hiring takes a lot of time, Report Abuses take no time at all, and players can do it themselves. Instead of complaining, help us turn the tide. Hackers will always be a problem on online gaming, but at least we can do something about them here and now.

So you want to know what I'm doing? I'm writing this out now.
Not to mention 1.8...

If you reallllly have a problem with MCSG and its amount of hackers/lag/spam/crashes.

Run your own server with over 2million people, datacenters around the world, hackers, DDoS'ers and not to mention managing the community. Its VERY difficult, my friend.

The staff do their best, we are all human and it is in our nature to make mistakes. Things happen, crashes bug out and hackers hack. The staff can only do what they can, nothing more.
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