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How to forum.


District 13
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
As you can tell by my title I'm explaining how to forum, I know what you're probably thinking not another how to forum thread. *sigh* this one will be different I'm taking it fatman style. I'll start with the basics then go up.
New member: 0-29 posts, this rank is the easiest rank to achieve all you need to do is sign up for these forums and you acheive this rank.

Member: 30 posts, all you need to do to get this foruming rank is post simple 30 messages. Now please keep in mind that messages only count if posted on a thread or creating a thread. So if you post a message on my profile or anyones profile the message won't register towards your message count. This rank will probably take you 20min to a hour of foruming. If you are looking to acheive this rank do not spam pointless messages on the forums, you'll make yourself look like a fool.

Active member: 500 likes and 1000 messages, this rank is quite hard to acheive. Not many people have this rank. The key to getting this rank is posting often and posting stuff that people actually like. Please remember, to be patient this rank will come around sooner or later.

Those or the three rans of MCSG of foruming there are others like Moderator and all the type of donors but those are for in-game in my opion.

When posting please keep these hints in mind.
No double posting: This is a huge step to become a great forumer. You need to elimnate double posting from your habits if you do double post. There is a edit button to avoid these double posts, what the edit button does is pretty much allow you to edit your post. You can also quote more than once in one post. All that double posting does is give people more alerts than they need and it looks like you are spamming a page, because double posting could lead to triple posting, quad pisting (ect.)

Stay on topic.
This is very important aswell. If you go off topic other people will go off topic too. This will give the creator off the thread pointless alerts and you'll get the creator pretty annoyed too. So if the thread is a clan thread, don't post something like "You guys like chickens I love chickens" it is pretty pointless. So please stay away from being a topic getter offer.

{Please note more is too come later on, I just have to go now.}


Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Are those three ranks actually given by the website? Or is it something you made up. I've never seen them myself. If they are real how exactly do you see people ranks.


District 13
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Are those three ranks actually given by the website? Or is it something you made up. I've never seen them myself. If they are real how exactly do you see people ranks.
Yes they are. If someone has a donator rank or mod, vip rank the title hides it. Once your donator and mines expires it'll show what forum ranks we have. I have active member and I'll check what you have.

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