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How To Be A Better PVP Player

How To Be A Better PVP Player

  • Block Hitting

    Votes: 28 20.9%
  • Jump and attack

    Votes: 106 79.1%

  • Total voters

Cinci | Kame

Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
When you get into a fight with someone that has the same stuff or better than you, block hit until you go down to half health. Then back off and use a flint and steel. If it's succeeded or failed put out the fire. If you do get him on fire and he is out of hitting range by a decent amount then bow him to death. If he is closer though, go after him. However if you're in a map where fire doesn't work the best (Solar Frost and maps with lots of tall grass) your bow and fishing rod will be your best friend. Hope this helps :D
Ok, don't push it to the last of your energy. If you must use that horrid tactic (block hitting I personally don't like it) then I say go to about 5. If you push it to a half a heart, one hit from them will kill you if you run into something as you turn. Or you take just the slightest fall damage. Run at 5 then look behind you using f5. If they are following you from directly behind (most people do, I find I'm one of the few that don't) go ahead and let some flint and steel out. Don't show it beforehand or they will know to watch for it. If they are running alongside you run and make some quick arrow shot turns. If you are a fast shooter you can catch them unaware and will be able to get a few hits off them.
On mountains I always choose the higher ground. You can hit them off and give them massive fall damage. If in water, I always use a fishing rod. Not to run away, but to fight.
If fighting a team in water I'll use it to push the other members back out of play. Then right before I go under I use the rod to hit the person backward and stop their forward momentum. Now I have the forward momentum and I can get Many hits on them before they can even get one. The best is when they swim backwards to try to avoid getting hit and I can hit them more. (Its nice to have a bow and plenty of arrows too) Once I finish the first, I repeat the process until the team is dead. Block hitting in water is sometimes the hardest to deal with, but on the bright side, they are slower. Hope this helps many people!!

EDIT: Mooclan corrected my mistake. If you meant half hearts then that makes a little more sense.
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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Ok, don't push it to the last of your energy. If you must use that horrid tactic (block hitting I personally don't like it) then I say go to about 5. If you push it to a half a heart, one hit from them will kill you if you run into something as you turn. Or you take just the slightest fall damage. Run at 5 then look behind you using f5. If they are following you from directly behind (most people do, I find I'm one of the few that don't) go ahead and let some flint and steel out. Don't show it beforehand or they will know to watch for it. If they are running alongside you run and make some quick arrow shot turns. If you are a fast shooter you can catch them unaware and will be able to get a few hits off them.
On mountains I always choose the higher ground. You can hit them off and give them massive fall damage. If in water, I always use a fishing rod. Not to run away, but to fight.
If fighting a team in water I'll use it to push the other members back out of play. Then right before I go under I use the rod to hit the person backward and stop their forward momentum. Now I have the forward momentum and I can get Many hits on them before they can even get one. The best is when they swim backwards to try to avoid getting hit and I can hit them more. (Its nice to have a bow and plenty of arrows too) Once I finish the first, I repeat the process until the team is dead. Block hitting in water is sometimes the hardest to deal with, but on the bright side, they are slower. Hope this helps many people!!
Yeah, he meant half hearts.. as in half your total HP (5 hearts) I think.


May 26, 2013
Reaction score
Hey! ryocubes, i used to be completely terrible. I started to watch youtube videos and noticed a technique that was very hard to get to grips of in the beginning but you definitely get used to it.. block hitting it a very good way to help you out in a fight. It allows you to block the other players attack. Also the fishing rod technique.. although i am still getting used to it it has helped me on many occasions. So i suggest you go and practise in other servers like 1v1 practise servers etc.. or even start a survival world with a friend and practice there.

Good luck and have fun! GuitarJack97.


Oct 19, 2012
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My Tactic: I look at them and say "You wanna hit me don't you? Well if you touch me, you die. You don't wanna die... It hurts a lot..." Works everytime! I suggest trying it!


Aug 12, 2013
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To be a better pvper there is one simple run you have to follow, which is :
Run, Bow , Flint and Steel


Jul 12, 2013
Reaction score
Straitening is used to knock someone back, When i'm being chased i'll useually turn around, Straith and then run again, For that extra boost.


Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
Strafe and block hit..
Nodus helps too...
No it doesn't...
Does it?

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