When I was six, my family and I went to cycle to my friends party. Being unable to cycle properly, I fell over, tried to stop myself falling by pushing my right hand on a light post, still fell, and caused my right wrist to bend and break backward. Had to get surgery on my wrist at the hospital.
When I went on a skiing trip to Switzerland with the scouts 4 years ago, I was having a snowball fight with a few of the scouts. Not knowing that I wasn't supposed to run in those big ski boots, I fell over and broke my left shin. I Wasn't even taken to a hospital (which was about 7 miles from our hotel), all the scouts (even the scout leader) thought I just sprained my shin, and never got any first aid throughout the rest of the trip. Some scout trip that was. >:[
Six months later when my shin was all better, I went out a cycle with my dad, tried to pass a couple of people by cycling on some grass, then I fell over and broke my right wrist due to the un-even surface on the grass.
Never broke anything, don't plan on it.
It's not to do with planning on breaking a bone. It's to do with being careful and aware of what's around you to avoid breaking a bone.