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How is school going?

How do you feel in school everytime?

  • Just bored

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • I'm fine

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • I don't like school

    Votes: 7 41.2%

  • Total voters


Jun 14, 2015
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Yes school is going very well for me, trying to get good grades and graduate! btw Graduating in 2 years! 7th grade currently.


District 13
Sep 29, 2012
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I have a real problem with the way the school system is run right now, and I can barely do a damn thing because of my severe anxiety combined with that.

See; I LOVE school as a concept. A place where you sit and learn new things for 30 hours a week? yeah!! But sadly, school isn't what it's advertised as at all. Sure you'll learn something, but you'll be too distracted by the fact that the quality of your future hangs in the ballance as a stupid number moves up and down depending on how much pointless busywork you do and how well you can memorize useless details of things both based on a subject that doesn't even apply to your plans for the future. I've learned more through art and self-exploration and self education than school will ever allow me to learn. School is just a filter that attempts to crush individuality through strict standardization.


Dec 26, 2012
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I'm in a new school so it's really awkward. I'm terrible at talking to people I'm not familiar with. So it's been a struggle making any friends, and the fact that I don't bother using things like social media doesn't really help. But at least my grades are really good. (like that makes me feel any better)


District 13
Dec 8, 2013
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Really well! I'm probably one of the only ones who's actually going to be answering this question this way, unfortunately. I've been improving a lot in all three aspects of my school: academics, arts and sports.
In academics, I've been much more vocal and organized in class (except for that one damn social studies textbook I always forget), something that I've been struggling for years to improve after multiple pushes and attempts at improving after teachers have told me to. It's most likely because I've never felt more at ease at school than I have before as my current school is incredibly supportive and friendly and it's really all one big family, especially because we all live together (boarding school). I'm also taking two Grade 11 classes (I'm currently in Grade 10) and I'm in one honours class, so that's pretty good.
In arts, I've taken up photography, which is an arts course that I've been dying to try for ages as I've always been fascinated by how photographers capture one moment of perfection in a split second and turn it into such a beautiful thing. It's been a dream of mine for a long time to take it up, and fortunately for me my school has a huge variety of subject and arts that I've been able to choose from, and that's photography for me.
And then there's sports. I'm taking tennis and rowing at the moment, and in tennis I've been doing really well, though I'm nowhere near varsity level. I'm mostly just doing it for fun and to keep fit on non-rowing days. For rowing, I've been doing incredibly well; a coach at my school who's on the National Rowing Board even came up to me and told me I was "rowing brilliantly", so I was pretty happy at that. Though I'm happy I'm improving, I shouldn't let it get to my head as I still need to work at 150% if I want to make it to Nationals.
In terms of social life, it's also going great. I've been making a lot of friends since my grade group has essentially doubled in size (last year we had around 75, this year we have over 150), and it's great getting to know them. C:


Aug 14, 2015
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I like school as an idea. But, only a few classes with exceptional teachers can get close to that.

In subjects like Social Studies (history) and Science, all it is, is memorizing useless stuff that happened in the past/useless science things.

The way they try to break you with random Good like Standardized Testing and grades affecting your entire life, to keep you IN LINE. They don't want you to rebel against the system because that puts a bad spotlight on the school, and a bad spotlight in society. Kids who try to do anything during standardized testing automatically get SUSPENDED. WTF?

A great teacher of mine (Social Studies oddly), didn't believe in teaching this way. He thought that Standardized Testing was a big waste of time, and thought that having real tests that only determine your knowledge and not your future would be smarter. He talked against lots of the school's regime and even society today (how religion controls people too much, conspiracy theories etc.)


Sep 27, 2015
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Meh, I'm doing my second year of college which is awesome :)


Feb 1, 2013
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It's going pretty well for me. I talk to a lot more people more often now which is nice, but my classes are definitely getting harder. I'm actually going to have to put in time if I want an A in AP Spanish or AP Calculus BC. But it's not really that bad, I think I can handle things.


My classes are cool.....excluding my accelerated English class. I just don't get why we do some of the things we do in my English class.

Have to tank this year.


Apr 20, 2012
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Not very good.
I'm lacking the motivation to really invest the hours I need to in order to succeed in all of my classes. Much more entertaining and enthralling things, apart from school, are captivating my interest all the time, and it's making remaining focused and in-line quite a challenge. While some teachers manage to continuously keep my interests, others make their classes so insipid and lackluster that I can't retain anything they teach. Math is a good example of this. My teacher is a really nice and down-to-earth person, but I'm not interested in mathematics. AT ALL. Especially factoring, since I don't understand the purpose of taking an expression and doing all of these meaningless calculations to write it another way, often times, longer and more complicated than before, only to eviscerate and torture it even more.

English is one of the classes that isn't too bad. The book we're reading is pretty interesting, and my teacher is so cute and innocent. I'm also interested in the subject so it makes everything much easier for me.

French is demonic as usual. Regardless of the teacher, it's impossible to make French class interesting and fun for the student, only because the things we're required to learn are so lackluster. I understand they're more important than any math formula we'll use in life, but it's hard to find the motivation to keep moving forward, not to mention teachers have such high expectations, even though the English taught at french schools isn't nearly this complex. My oral is also atrocious, so I usually end up getting seventies or eighties despite my continued efforts.

Science is almost the same story as Math. Nice teacher, useless concepts. Both of them also give a literal ton of homework and their tests are so god damn frequent.

The rest of the subjects don't matter.

Each day is the same as the days that precede them. Wake up, tired as bunnies, force down breakfast, take the bus and try to talk to people I don't like, sit through three boring classes until lunch, take a break and escape that goddamn forsaken establishment, sit through one more boring class and take the bus home. There's no enjoyment in that for me.

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