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How I do feel about my life.......


Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
Hello there guys today im gonna post my personal life hope you like it.

Well my life is really sad and bad right now its not my best moment you know.. and thats because I never wanna go out... I never hang up with friends, I never sleep and my school notes are going down....
I think that im alone right now I think that my friends dont understand me at all that they dont know what im felling sometimes I think that staying at my room is easier but the truth is that is not cause I dont eat, I dont sleep I dont hang out, sometimes I just drink water for keep playing and the truth is that it is because im addicted to MCSG and thats why im always here thats why im always making report abuses posting stuff at the forums thats why im always active cause I never leave just for school but at the moment I get home I go to my room and play MCSG Im addicted to it thats why I wanna be a Mod and thats why im always looking for what to do in what can I help I want that MOD and I want to stay here but at the same time I wanna leave my room I wanna hang out but I dont cause I think that at any moment someone its gonna need me and when I get back no one needs me at all and I feel sad cause the only reason I dont sleep eat and go its for helping and when I wake up, when I finish eating, when I come back from the outside and thats not something that I normally do when I come back from there I spec to see messages at my profile people asking me for help at the forums and I dont see nothing but likes of post that other people make and I just get disappointed and make me wanna just dont wake up again cause I feel that the world dosnt need me thats why I want to be a Moderator so hard cause that way people is gonna need me and im gonna be happy with me self cause I know that people is putting their Hope on me but know that im nothing I just try to Help as I can to feel important I actually even do report my friends and thats because they are braking the rules and they get mad at me but I dont mind cause I want to be respected and I want to be part of the Staff cause other way I feel im nothing here and every where (Im not telling this to get more chances to be a MOD) Is because I talked to a Moderator recently at TS I told him what was going on and he told me to make a post at the Community Corner so here I am trying to get helped this time....guys im trying to give everything for this server im always helping this time please help me guys I just wanna know how to stop feeling that im useless I wanna know how to get out of my room I still wanna help MCGamer Network Im never gonna stop but even tho my life is just ruined sometimes I should relax hang out take some fresh air but I dont know Im always worried about someones gonna need me but they dont need me cause im not a MOD so what i am im no one? im important? or just a guy that no one takes care of? im a fake mod? im a fake person? what i am? how can I fell that im important that im helping how to feel that I can relax and that I can still helping people in big amount of time? I dont know and thats why im making this post for you can tell me that....hope to get some answers with this....well im going back to MCSG server guys to see if I can help someone...

If you need me PM ill try to answer as fast as I can
Have a nice day at the MCGamer Network.

Love you,
Feb 18, 2015
Reaction score
Hey man! You know we're always here for you on the forums! Honestly, if it's motivation you need, you got it. I know it's only a Minecraft Server but from what I can tell, you're a great person. You feel the need to report several rule breakers & expect nothing in return. I really admire that. Because of you, so many people's game have not been ruined by spammers/hackers/disrespectful players and they appreciate that! Also, if it's people you need to be your friend, all you have to do is ask. I bet anyone would want to be friends with you! You are an awesome person!
Last edited:


Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
Hey man! You know we're always here for you on the forums! Honestly, if it's motivation you need, you got it. I know it's only a Minecraft Server but from what I can tell, you're a great person. You feel the need to report several rule breakers & expect nothing in return. I really admire that. Because of you, so many people's game have not been ruined by spammers/hackers/disrespectful players and they appreciate that! Also, if it's people you need to be your friend, all you have to do is ask. I bet anyone would want to be friends with you! You are an awesome person!
Thank you you are amazing really nice person you really helped me up today those words really get to me thank you so much:)

Rick Astley

Apr 25, 2015
Reaction score
As Holidays said, most of the forumers are very nice and will help you if you have any problems. For the Moderator side of things, I suggest you keep at it and keep making your applications better and better! And if you want to talk anytime, inbox me c:


Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
As Holidays said, most of the forumers are very nice and will help you if you have any problems. For the Moderator side of things, I suggest you keep at it and keep making your applications better and better! And if you want to talk anytime, inbox me c:
Thank you Sr. You a are so kind you give me more hope

Vanicle | Vanessa

District 13
Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
Don't give up :) if you keep trying, you'll succeed eventually. If you have any specific questions about you as an applicant, please let me know.

However, you have to realize that real life is more important than this server. Make a schedule where you don't go on the computer for a few hours each day and stick to that schedule. Even if it's just watching TV or going outside, sometimes you have to disconnect off the internet and just think about other things. That's definitely something that I need to work on as well :)


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Don't give up :) if you keep trying, you'll succeed eventually. If you have any specific questions about you as an applicant, please let me know.

However, you have to realize that real life is more important than this server. Make a schedule where you don't go on the computer for a few hours each day and stick to that schedule. Even if it's just watching TV or going outside, sometimes you have to disconnect off the internet and just think about other things. That's definitely something that I need to work on as well :)
As Vanessa said, don't give up! There's more important things in life, and just do things to kinda get your mind off it :)


Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
Don't give up :) if you keep trying, you'll succeed eventually. If you have any specific questions about you as an applicant, please let me know.

However, you have to realize that real life is more important than this server. Make a schedule where you don't go on the computer for a few hours each day and stick to that schedule. Even if it's just watching TV or going outside, sometimes you have to disconnect off the internet and just think about other things. That's definitely something that I need to work on as well :)
Thank you so much for that really nice words I think I will do the schedule and I wont quit I cant quit because if I quit now maybe ill quit for my future Golds so I wont quit lady :D and thanks maybe I will ask you some stuff later on but first I will read the new Guide for a great application, thanks and have a nice day :D

As Vanessa said, don't give up! There's more important things in life, and just do things to kinda get your mind off it :)
Thanks bro, I will go outise more frecuently take some air but even thou I wont stop checking the forums in short period of times but yeah ill start to do more stuff in my life just lay down and think about my life and future Golds I have, thanks Sr. and have a nice day :D


May 21, 2014
Reaction score
I am so glad you came to me on TeamSpeak yesterday! I really do feel that I was able to direct you in to the right path; the path of happiness, dreams and success.

Like I told you on TeamSpeak yesterday, your real life is more important than the MCGamer Network. Once you have found the time to sort everything out in your real life, and you think you can contribute to the Staff Team more effectively, I really do suggest that you apply for the Staff Team! You most definitely have the qualities, but it does seem that you are confused and that is completely normal. Everyone has those moments in life.

As for people caring for you and your support, we all love you. We can see that you are constantly trying to help, and as a member of the Staff Team, I can assure you that the entire Staff Team does appreciate everything that you have done to date! What I love the most about you is that you are doing this with the pure goodness of your heart and that you expect nothing in return. That is an exceptional quality to have, so keep it close!

In summary, these are my two main pointers to you:
1. Try managing your time more effectively between your school work, your social life and the MCGamer Network as they all seem to be very important to you.

2. Make some goals and try your absolute best to achieve them. Your goals are your dreams. They will help pave the path to happiness and success. Also, if you every find that you are running out, make some more!

On more of a side note, please do not forget that if you need any help, you can always come and talk to me, or any other member within the MCGamer Network community for that matter! We are always here to help!

I wish you the best of luck!

Lots of love,

Equalitee | Christopher.


Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
I am so glad you came to me on TeamSpeak yesterday! I really do feel that I was able to direct you in to the right path; the path of happiness, dreams and success.

Like I told you on TeamSpeak yesterday, your real life is more important than the MCGamer Network. Once you have found the time to sort everything out in your real life, and you think you can contribute to the Staff Team more effectively, I really do suggest that you apply for the Staff Team! You most definitely have the qualities, but it does seem that you are confused and that is completely normal. Everyone has those moments in life.

As for people caring for you and your support, we all love you. We can see that you are constantly trying to help, and as a member of the Staff Team, I can assure you that the entire Staff Team does appreciate everything that you have done to date! What I love the most about you is that you are doing this with the pure goodness of your heart and that you expect nothing in return. That is an exceptional quality to have, so keep it close!

In summary, these are my two main pointers to you:
1. Try managing your time more effectively between your school work, your social life and the MCGamer Network as they all seem to be very important to you.

2. Make some goals and try your absolute best to achieve them. Your goals are your dreams. They will help pave the path to happiness and success. Also, if you every find that you are running out, make some more!

On more of a side note, please do not forget that if you need any help, you can always come and talk to me, or any other member within the MCGamer Network community for that matter! We are always here to help!

I wish you the best of luck!

Lots of love,

Equalitee | Christopher.
Bro I have no words to thank you I could write Million of thanks but its not even close you really helped me I actually started the schedule that Vanicle told me to do and I almost finish it Thank you, you are the best person I have ever met here you changed my life you and all the ones who had posted in here so especial thanks to them Love you all gus what ever you need im here just tell me ill try to answer as fast as I can LOVE YOU THELICHDB


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I am so glad you came to me on TeamSpeak yesterday! I really do feel that I was able to direct you in to the right path; the path of happiness, dreams and success.

Like I told you on TeamSpeak yesterday, your real life is more important than the MCGamer Network. Once you have found the time to sort everything out in your real life, and you think you can contribute to the Staff Team more effectively, I really do suggest that you apply for the Staff Team! You most definitely have the qualities, but it does seem that you are confused and that is completely normal. Everyone has those moments in life.

As for people caring for you and your support, we all love you. We can see that you are constantly trying to help, and as a member of the Staff Team, I can assure you that the entire Staff Team does appreciate everything that you have done to date! What I love the most about you is that you are doing this with the pure goodness of your heart and that you expect nothing in return. That is an exceptional quality to have, so keep it close!

In summary, these are my two main pointers to you:
1. Try managing your time more effectively between your school work, your social life and the MCGamer Network as they all seem to be very important to you.

2. Make some goals and try your absolute best to achieve them. Your goals are your dreams. They will help pave the path to happiness and success. Also, if you every find that you are running out, make some more!

On more of a side note, please do not forget that if you need any help, you can always come and talk to me, or any other member within the MCGamer Network community for that matter! We are always here to help!

I wish you the best of luck!

Lots of love,

Equalitee | Christopher.
It's funny because right as he mentioned that a mod told him he should let it out in the Community Corner, I immediately thought "definitely Chris" haha.

As for your feelings, TheLich, don't live in a way you don't like. If you feel discouraged because your friends act like they don't want you, then look elsewhere for friendship. It's never too late to change :)


Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
It's funny because right as he mentioned that a mod told him he should let it out in the Community Corner, I immediately thought "definitely Chris" haha.

As for your feelings, TheLich, don't live in a way you don't like. If you feel discouraged because your friends act like they don't want you, then look elsewhere for friendship. It's never too late to change :)
I do like my friends but I prefer to stay here playing the whole day, but after this post I think I will start to talk more with them, and thank you Sr. your opinion is gonna be on my mind maybe im not with the right friends and thats why I where used to never wanna leave, but I will start to talk more with them that way I can know if im with the right friends, thank you really much :D

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