Here it comes...
I have two setups. One I used to use which had hot keys for everything on my naga hex. I pressed (1 on the keyboard) for my sword (2 on the keyboard) for my bow and pressed two buttons on my mouse for fishing rod and flint and steel slots at 3 and 4 respectively.
Then I started just not doing as good with the macros so I fished myself a new setup that mixed my old early v2 scrolling mastery with the 1.7 ability to set keyboard hot keys to hotbar slots. I now have my sword at 1, which I press 1 for. My fishing rod at 2, leaving for an easy scroll, but I can hit 2 on my keyboard I go to it if needed, flint and steel at 3, because before I had macros a long them ago, I used to scroll to my fishing rod which was at 3, so I used that skill mastery for a quick switch to my FnS, and my bow is at 9 for quick access from my sword. I also set "Q" to my 9th slot for my bow in case I need to switch quickly.