Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
IRL: Salvatore
Age: 14/15
Skype Name: rhynomaster12
Games Played:
the account I have sold but the stats are not mine
the account I have sold but the stats are not mine
Nationality: Italy
PvP Strenghts: rod,fns,sword
PvP Weakneses: bowfight
Why do you want to join Homicide Squad?:
because I want to meet new people make friends , destroy all the clans and after dominating the world ... YEP.
Give us 3 reasons for picking you instead of another person:
because I can be a good player no god but me has cable xD
Past Clans?: Alius,DarkShadows,Polar.
Skype Name:Acquahh
Games Played:439 (4 fun)
PvP Strenghts:Fns Rod Sword
PvP Weakneses:Arco ma me la cavo
Why do you want to join Homicide Squad?er fare cw e aiutare il clan
Give us 3 reasons for picking you instead of another person:
Past Clans?esolution Ac , Prospect
DENIEDIGN: kvnsurvives
IRL: Loucoh
Age: 14
Skype Name: lol_gaming77
Games Played: too much
Wins: 174
Nationality: Italian
PvP Strenghts: Rod, Sword, Bow, Fns, Highground, ChokePoint...
PvP Weakneses: Ice PvP
Why do you want to join Homicide Squad?: I like this clan
Give us 3 reasons for picking you instead of another person:
1) I am a good player in 1v1 (BaccaStured)
2)I can create immediately a teamwork with the other players
Past Clans?: Allegiant, Breathe, Honor, Legends, Desolution, Acids, Carried and others....