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SURVIVAL GAMES Holiday Resort 2

After reading the whole post; Do you like the changes made on Holiday resort?

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  • No (feedback much appreciated!)

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Apr 26, 2015
Reaction score
you guys are all Ultimate Fishing Rod Of Doom idiot virgin please no copy pasterino
Woah, I was wrong!
I was not a big fan of Holiday Resort, due to the amount of water and the amount of time it took to swim in between islands. This map however, looks AMAZING! I downloaded this map and explored it for a solid 30+ minutes. I will admit that it has partially taken away from the theme of Holiday Resort in some aspects, but the majority of the theme is still there. I honestly hope that both of the maps stay, because Holiday Resort Revamped actually did change a lot. This map is almost exactly like the revamp on hive for SG4. The buildings were vastly improved and a lot of newer blocks were incorporated. This revamp is honestly almost flawless. If I could change one thing, I would probably change the big crane chokepoint. The crane chokepoint was nerfed quite a lot. I wish that you guys built a way to get onto the very top of the crane, not just the little room with a tier 2. All in all, this is an absolutely awesome revamp that has changed a lot. including improving aesthetics and mobility in between islands (through the builds of bridges and underwater tunnels and so forth.) I give this map a 9/10, whereas Holiday Resort would have been worth a 6.5/10.
Good work Helix!
Thanks for the helpful feedback!


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
Just played, I tip my hat you guys who made the map. It's beautiful and keeps the Holiday Resort stuff. Just perfect.

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