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Hey Guys :3

Sep 8, 2013
Reaction score
Hi, if you guys don't know I'm Imaboss2414/Mad_MLG_Baller (But I intend to change it back to Imaboss2414)

It's been a while since I've made a thread about myself, or anything in my personal life for that matter, simply because of a feeling I've had on here since I was demoted. It isn't sour or anything, but its more or so different.
Either way, here we go:

On Febuary 8th, I was really angry at my teachers. I got an email from one of my teachers that I got a 0 on an exam when I had a week to make it up, but I was absent again on the day I made I was supposed to make it up. This made me really angry, as that was one of my strongest classes, and it literally dropped from an A to a B-. I came on the TeamSpeak to hopefully cool off some steam, and I started talking with a friend of mine. I was in an agressive mood at the time and I was being very offensive towards him , and saying stuff which wasn't too nice. He was just saying random stuff while I ranted, and he reported me as a joke. He kiked a sr.mod saying something along the lines of "halp imaboss is calling me -----" and even after I told the sr.staff we both took it as a joke, they still thought it wasn't cool, and I got demoted. By all means, the sr.staff were right to demote me as what I said was far worse than just a couple swear words. It was extremely rude, offensive, and I really shouldn't have done it. After that moment, I felt extremely guilty. Not because I lost my rank (Being honest here, I wasn't too upset about losing my rank because I felt like Minecraft was conflicting with real life, and I just didn't know the balance at the time.) but because my journey ended like this.

After my demotion, I sort of drifted off of online and into the real life. There's a lot of drama that I really don't want to go into, but let's just say I made some other people very angry AKA my parents. There somehow seems to be this super weird connection. Whenever I am mainly online, I have better grades, and a better relation ship with my parents, however when I spend most of my time with my irl friends, my parents get pissed at me, and I'm better at sports. Either way, I was struggling at this point with a lot of the tasks I had on my plate. It sort of came to a point where I didn't want to do much, and for around a week or two, I spent my lunch alone(which is something people didn't really expect, because I'm a very social person.) During this time, I was given the chance to reflect on my previous actions, and understand what went wrong, and I sort of just relaxed and closed my eyes and thought about everything that happened this year, and suddenly when I thought of My friends, My grades, School, everything. It was just different, I sort of mapped a plan of what I wanted to do and how I was going to get there. I made a promise that I would do whatever it would take to reach there. This led to me waking up at 3:30 in the morning, doing homework, and essentially developing the schedule that I have now, which perfectly balances my real life and online relationship.

The truth is : I never wanted to leave because I was getting bored. I wanted to leave because I wanted to focus on other things and MCSG was a distraction. However; as I said, I started balancing things out, I decided I wanted to make a return. In full honesty I didn't think I would be able to. I thought a lot about what I did. I didn't want to be a moderator again, remembering all the stress that came on me when I became one , and all of that. So I decided holding back from asking for a re-application exception, and just waiting. In the meantime I decided to call up some of my friends, and tell them I wanted to start playing again. When I came back I saw that the community had taken quite a few drastic tolls, and I didn't quite know how to re-enter. I just decided to say hi, and then slowly build my way back in, and decide to make an exception to re-apply for mod. Which is exactly what I did :3 I sent in my application, and hopefully, I can make it back up to Mod. If I don't get it, I can understand why, I'll just keep making abuse reports :3 After this my life has been going pretty smoothly if you ask me. :p

So there you go, that's sort of what's been up with me. The reason why I posted it is because a few people wanted to know how everythings been and it's hard explaining everything orally so I decided to make this thread :3
Last edited:


Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score
Awesome Rish!
Good luck with your application, hope to see you again as a staff member and maybe being mod buddies.

Nov 21, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you for sharing this story. Good Luck with your Moderator Application, Rish ! :')


District 13
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
Great thread!

You sound really chill when we talk on ts so it would be amazing to see you as mod again :D

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