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Help with fishing rod and connection.


Nov 18, 2015
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So before I start this, I'll just say that I've been playing these servers on and off since around V1 on multiple different accounts. Basically I know what I'm talking about for the most part. I've been playing recently and I just keep dying, over and over and over again. I used to be a decent player, having a 1/4 ratio a while back. On pretty much ANY other PvP server I can kill most people with ease. Badlion, DJPlay (is that still popular with MCSGers?) and many other 1v1 servers I have absolutely no trouble beating most of the people that I meet. However, Once I get to MCSG, I simply can't hit people. I just can't! My ping is ~120ms (according to /ping) and I always get destroyed in sword fights. They just charge right at me, not even strafing and get a double hit before I can come near them. I usually land my fishing rod hits, but at this point, for me the fishing rod is to ensure that we both trade 1 hit, rather than him getting a double hit on me. Every time, I land the rod and we trade 1 hit. It's gotten to the point where when I actually land the rod and get a hit on him without them hitting me I'm literally astonished. (It happens about once every 20-30 encounters.)

And it's just soooo annoying because I can go on badlion and other servers and wreck Good and actually get double hits sometimes (Getting a double hit on MCSG is borderline impossible. Seriously, I can't remember the last time its happened)

Basically, do I just suck at pvp? Are people on badlion just really bad compared to MCSG and thats why I can beat them? Or is there something weird about my connection to MCSG?
May 9, 2015
Reaction score
Do you play i 1.8? If so its probably the people in 1.7 are block hitting you and they hit you instead of you hitting them, try playing on 1.7.


District 13
Feb 6, 2013
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May be either people hacking or that some people literaly have like 20 ping to the server. Friends I know with low ping just simlply rekts me in a sword fight because I end up not being able to hit them at all for some reason. It can also be that if you fight someone that never jumps they get pretty much no knockback and they don't get high enough in the air to get a free hit on them compared to if you rod someone that is jumping. Or if people have delayed knockback, that may be a reason :)


Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
Because I play MCSG, and I kill YOU!!! (okno)

I don't know, probably for the hackers. McGamer V.1 all the players were EU (pro players), but now, there are more pro players in US. So, where you play, EU or US?


Jan 13, 2014
Reaction score
Ping doesn't ENTIRELY matter.

Servers I go on with Good MS
Me-Low Ping. Opponent-Hight Ping. = Still somehow able to rek me.
Me-Low Ping. Opponent-Lower Ping. = RIP to him.
other occasions:
Me-Low Ping. Opponent-High Ping. = RIP me.

Servers I go on with Bad MS (MCSQ)
Me-80-120MS. Opponent-Simular but Lower MS = I rek him (Some of the community)
Me-^ Opponent-20ms = RIP me.
other occasions:
I run into a tryhqrd.

It all really depends on your skill, MCSG has this touch to it that makes it so that even at 2-300ms, you can still win somehow…
(I have a friend somewhere in Asia who plays in US servers, and he can easily gg10 me)


Aug 10, 2015
Reaction score
Well, tbh AU is the strongest/Most Competitive but smallest network there is imo, As it is smaller and the higher quality of players in a 24 player game is more realistic / Makes Competitive Play.


Nov 10, 2015
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Simple solution to your first problem regarding sword pvp. Don't. Do. It. I've refrained some melee unless it's to clean someone up just due to the % of the time it's a Ghost Client/Str8 Up Hacker. I've started to lean towards the bow to lower them to where even if they get a mini-combo (3-4 hits) over me I'll still win just due to the fact there like 2 hearts by the time I go in for melee. Also relying on FnS+Bow spam while running away defensively works almost all the time with ease! I've 10 hearted teams of 2 just because they kept playing offensive and letting me consistently lower them just through FnS+Bow!

Rod wise I would say time it a bit better, on MCSG the NCP is a bit different then the other servers as you have to do it quiet earlier then you normally would. I understand where you're coming from as I only recently started MCGamer's SG's and the rod worked a lot less effectively on here but I've found when approaching an enemy to consistently rod them until you're in range, take the 1 hit, rod, run away to gain distance, turn around rod to move into range (2-3 rods work well) hit, rinse repeat. I've found this consistent stunning method quiet effective mostly on well known Trig botters in my community personally. The 2-3 stuns through a rod unlike normal knockbacks actually STACK so you're consistently stunning them for a duration of the time to where they can't do/touch anything mostly if they keep walking forward. Also try to go for side hits, I've found side hits to be extremely effective. Also if you play/move to 1.7 (idk if you play 1.8 or not but I would say use 1.7.10) hit normally first then block hit, if you're rodding into block hitting right away (Which may also be the problem) some hits may not register if at all you have to hit normally then block hit so NCP will register it. It's quiet interesting but it'll take some time to adjust to how stuff register on MCSG I've been spending most of my time in BG testing before I walk into SG (That's why I've only played 29 games as of this moment).


Nov 10, 2015
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Because I play MCSG, and I kill YOU!!! (okno)

I don't know, probably for the hackers. McGamer V.1 all the players were EU (pro players), but now, there are more pro players in US. So, where you play, EU or US?
TBH I think AU completely puts US in the dirt when it comes from a pro player stand point. In Au it's such a small community every is forced to improve x10 faster. I mean us in AU use US to farm easy wins lol, it's just while US is so large yes there are bound to be good players and close to par with top tier AU players but the quantity doesn't beat AU by far when it comes to quality players. But this is off topic and a double post but I had to point this out.


Nov 18, 2015
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Simple solution to your first problem regarding sword pvp. Don't. Do. It. I've refrained some melee unless it's to clean someone up just due to the % of the time it's a Ghost Client/Str8 Up Hacker. I've started to lean towards the bow to lower them to where even if they get a mini-combo (3-4 hits) over me I'll still win just due to the fact there like 2 hearts by the time I go in for melee. Also relying on FnS+Bow spam while running away defensively works almost all the time with ease! I've 10 hearted teams of 2 just because they kept playing offensive and letting me consistently lower them just through FnS+Bow!

Rod wise I would say time it a bit better, on MCSG the NCP is a bit different then the other servers as you have to do it quiet earlier then you normally would. I understand where you're coming from as I only recently started MCGamer's SG's and the rod worked a lot less effectively on here but I've found when approaching an enemy to consistently rod them until you're in range, take the 1 hit, rod, run away to gain distance, turn around rod to move into range (2-3 rods work well) hit, rinse repeat. I've found this consistent stunning method quiet effective mostly on well known Trig botters in my community personally. The 2-3 stuns through a rod unlike normal knockbacks actually STACK so you're consistently stunning them for a duration of the time to where they can't do/touch anything mostly if they keep walking forward. Also try to go for side hits, I've found side hits to be extremely effective. Also if you play/move to 1.7 (idk if you play 1.8 or not but I would say use 1.7.10) hit normally first then block hit, if you're rodding into block hitting right away (Which may also be the problem) some hits may not register if at all you have to hit normally then block hit so NCP will register it. It's quiet interesting but it'll take some time to adjust to how stuff register on MCSG I've been spending most of my time in BG testing before I walk into SG (That's why I've only played 29 games as of this moment).
Thanks, that was really helpful. I'm actually very good with the bow, and if I have arrows I'll pretty much 100% rely on it and only go in with the sword when I know they're under 5 hearts. I get accused of bow spamming 1 in every 2 times I kill someone so I get discouraged from doing that sometimes.

Yesterday I actually switched texture packs to one my friend made (I've been using the old Huahwi Defscape Edit for quite some time now) and everything felt SO much better. I couldn't believe it, I got 7 kills my first game using it, 3 of them being 10-hearts (I know it sounds like I'm bragging but that's what happened) All the hits were just connecting better than ever. So I think I'm good now, I'll have to see how I do today after school, hopefully yesterday wasn't just luck.


Oct 10, 2015
Reaction score
TBH I think AU completely puts US in the dirt when it comes from a pro player stand point. In Au it's such a small community every is forced to improve x10 faster. I mean us in AU use US to farm easy wins lol, it's just while US is so large yes there are bound to be good players and close to par with top tier AU players but the quantity doesn't beat AU by far when it comes to quality players. But this is off topic and a double post but I had to point this out.

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