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hello big boys.


May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hi everyone, I'm Carz. This section of the forums doesn't seem to give out viruses, so I figured I would post here. If you play on the AU servers, you would've probably seen me in a game before, under the username of Carzmoviefan. I used to play MCSG quite a lot, but now my headphone jack and microphone have broken, and the computer I use that was once great is now going to hell, and I am a lot less active than I once was. However, I am saving up money to buy an Alienware 14 laptop, which I should have by early next year (yay?). Anyway, back to the point. I have been playing MCSG since February 2013, and since then I have picked up 26 wins, lots of friends, and a role of cheerleader in Phoenix, one of the top AU clans. When I'm not playing MCSG, I will be playing some hardcore Pokmanz (Pokemon, for you normal people), bouncing a ball, "learning" at school, fiddling with a slinky, playing with my dogs, and, well, just having fun in general. Hope you enjoyed reading and I know this is a pretty basic bio, but if you have any questions about me, feel free to ask. :) kthxbye

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