Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
YesWait, so contestants will be released today, right?
Wait, so contestants will be released today, right?
Quotes, meet each other.Names + Time/Date will be released within the next 2 hours, Quarter Quell in the next 4, districts will most likely be Sunday due to IRL stoof.
Why what?Why..D:
Every time I get an alert my stomach turns...The list will probably be posted soon. He said that he would post it in 2 hours right under 2 hours ago. I am really excited!
I honestly doubt I'll make it in.Am I the only one feeling a bit confident that they made this event?
I don't know why I think I will make it, but yes, I do.Am I the only one feeling a bit confident that they made this event?
Lol I am just playing cookieclicker and minecraft while I am waitingEvery time I get an alert my stomach turns...
I'm not hopeful.. I know they won't select meAm I the only one feeling a bit confident that they made this event?