- Joined
- Jun 27, 2013
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In Game Name: EditingXBL
Would you like shading? Yup
Would you like shading? Yup
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
In Game Name: <xXAnimeOXx>
Would you like shading? <Yes but not too much make >
Added to the queue!In Game Name: EditingXBL
Would you like shading? Yup
In Game Name: EditingXBL
Would you like shading? Yup
If you want to know how my shading looks , just look at my previous avatars , in the left , it has a dark-en thingy , that's my shading ^_^In Game Name: <xXAnimeOXx>
Would you like shading? <Yes but not too much make >
@InfinitySx3 , your avatar is ready!In Game Name: InfinitySx3
Would you like shading? Yes please. :O
Omg thanks. No worries, I don't like the eyebrows anyway. Pretty ugly. Buh your art is amazing. Dankies.@
@InfinitySx3 , your avatar is ready!
Link to imgur: http://imgur.com/bOliblp
Direct link to image: http://i.imgur.com/bOliblp.jpg
Sorry for not putting eyebrows , I just couldn't make them <.<