- Joined
- Aug 5, 2015
- Messages
- 33
- Reaction score
- 35
ok just know if i get banned ur getting droppedit's my ip so gl dude. Btw they can check my ip thru the website so lmfao
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
ok just know if i get banned ur getting droppedit's my ip so gl dude. Btw they can check my ip thru the website so lmfao
isuq & Noah dont play pot???Combo of mcsg and hcf players
Best PvPer overall: Danteh is pretty well rounded
Best bowspammer: me in early 2014 days
Fastest Clicker: snakedouast I think
Biggest Booster: isuq
Biggest Toggler: cayden or satisfying
Best large YouTube PvPer (30k-200k): stimpy
Best small YouTube PvPer (100 - 30k): satisfying
Best Pinger: oculism
Successful Team Leader: Idfk
Smartest Player: mcsg wise noahsailor
look at the top, "combo of mcsg and hcf players"isuq & Noah dont play pot???
agreeditstene client is the best for pvp anyways