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Happy Birthday Yannick!


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
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Sunday, May 29th : Yannick's 19th Birthday

Today is our Administrator, Yannick's 19th Birthday! Yannick has been a staff member here at MCGamer for nearly a year now. Since Yannick has been staff he has been so loving, and he is always there to support and help those who need it. To show our appreciation to Yannick, we have made this thread for him. Don't forget to wish Yannick a Happy Birthday!

Ryan (Techaton):

To Yannick, my brother, my best friend,

I learned at a very young age that my friends are what mattered most to me. We have talked everyday since the day I met you back in October when I first joined the Staff team. Since the time that I met you, we have never had a bad moment, every single one of them has been so precious to me. We’ve always been able to anything a great moment even if you or I were sad. I’m glad to be there for you when you need it most, because it’s a joy to be able to help my closest friend and I can’t stand to see you sad. I’m proud of everything that you do in your life, I’m here to support you in whatever ever you do. You have been there when I needed a shoulder to cry on whether it be about personal issues or the future. The most amazing moment we shared was when you came to Chicago, and I got to meet you! I wish we could of spent more time together. I haven’t been the best friend, but you still continue to be an amazing friend. You mean the world to me, I hope you know that. I hope you have an amazing day, today.

Patrified: Hey, Yannick! I know we haven't gotten to talk in forever but I remember all of the amazing times that I have gotten to personally share with you from the SMP to you becoming Mod. I hope you have an amazing day!

Wonderwaffleyt: Happy birthday, you'll always be the only one I follow"

Axanite: Hey Yannick. First off, happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day and please... for the love of god, no more apple products? Nah, only kidding - go wild! Anyway, I know in the short time you've been on the staff team, we may not have got on well and we have had our differences but I can safely say you are one of the people I look up to. Once again, I hope you have a wonderful day!

ItsTrippyHippie: "Happy Birthday Yannick! I remember when we first met and we talked constantly. I am lucky to have a friend like you in my life and you deserve to have the most amazing day. Love ya <3"

Pacador: Happy Birthiday Yannick! Though we don’t speak much, I know that you’re a lovely person with a kind heart who cares about everyone. I hope your day goes swell on your Birthday as you deserve it. You’re the bomb diggity and we all cherish you as you’re an amazing addition to the Staff team, love you lots <3333

William_ftw: Heyo! "Hey Yannick! Happy birthday :) Hope you have an amazing day, you really deserve it. Thanks for being awesome and everything you have done and do. Keep it up!"

Lunarist: Happy birthday Yoonies. You're one of my best friends and a great role model for me. We have grown so close since I became a staff member here and I am so thankful for that. I love you Yoonies

Zertix: Happy Birthday Yannick! I remember last year when we were both waiting buddies, ready to be interviewed! It was fun staying up till 3 A.M. and playing SG! xD Though I unfortunately didn't make it with you, we are both here now! Gratz!

Destroyed: Yannick I wish you a happy birthday! I hope you will spend a great day with friends and family and of course have fun c:

Getix: Oh Yannick, you are getting old. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Jokes aside; I just want to wish you a happy birthday. I really hope that your day is going well and that you are enjoying it. Love you Yann! :heart:

Faustey: this: http://imgur.com/YT6sDdQ :eek:k_hand:

CantKillBruce: Happy birthday Yannick, remember you can't kill Bruce :) <3

DammitDeanne: Happy Birthday YaNick! Ahh, I can't believe you're 19 now! I'm happy that we have became closer friends over the past few weeks and not only that I can't believe I'm going to be meeting you in just a few days! South Colina here we come! Anyways, I hope this special day is amazing and enjoyable for you! Hope all your friends & family give you the spoil attention you deserve on your special day! Because just 19 years ago an awesome guy was born with lush hair! XD Happy birthday yannie :heart:

Imanol: Hey Yannick, I would just like to say happy birthday and that you're a amazing friend, it's always fun when we all play skywars or some sg together. I hope you have a amazing birthday and stay well - Alex

ThatTyle: Yannick, you're one of the most hardworking administrators I know. I am so glad that MCGamer has you here helping out and doing the best you can everyday. I hope you have an amazing birthday!

iRocki: Hey Yannick!

I hope you are having a fantastic birthday!


p.s Aruba has noice weather

Miner9823: Yannick, I want to sincerely thank you for everything you have done for us. It's incredible with how far you have gotten in this community within the small span of one year. I've been able to see you become a moderator, a Sr. Moderator, and an administrator throughout the time I was here in the staff team. Your incredible intellect, and your caring for everyone else in the staff team shows how amazing of a person you are. I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and have a good cake. Cakes are good.

Matiiix: Soon you’re going to start a new year of your life and I hope this coming year will bring every success you deserve. Happy birthday Yanny!

Athenaa: Happy birthday Yannick! You're one of the most incredible people I've ever met, and I'm so proud to be your friend. I hope that your special day is full of happiness, laughter and everything that you enjoy. You deserve it! :D -Athenaa

Sedrazo: Happy Birthday Yannick! You're an amazing friend, very supportive and everything. I hope you have an amazing birthday, much love! :heart: - Sebastian

Gustyy: Happy birthday Yannick! You're an incredible person and you're always there to help anyone! You're really kind and so many people appreciate you. You've done SO much for the communty. I hope you'll have an awesome birthday! <3


District 13
May 29, 2013
Reaction score
Aww thank you so much guys! You guys make me so happy. Every single morning when I wake up, I look forward to getting on teamspeak and talk to you guys. I am so happy and honored to have such an amazing staff team as my friends.
Love you guys <3


May 1, 2015
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Yannick, I remember when you were trying to deal with my bans and how well you did it. I don't think you understand how MUCH we appreciate you being here. I can't think of one single person that I have talked to (I have talked to A LOT of people) that dis likes you.

You are such an amazing block-game player and overall person. I think I speak for most of us here at MCGamer - You will never be forgotten.

Happy birthday! ~ Love you lots. <3


Aug 4, 2015
Reaction score
Woo Yannick Happy Birthday! You have done so much for MCG, you are an amazing Admin, and an equally good friend. As with everyone else, you are one of the people that I look up to on the staff team. Woo! hb


District 13
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
That's awesome and all, happy birthday but how about a post about four years for MCSG????

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