Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
Minecraft IGNs: Froztey / PikaTable / aimluck
Clan of any player: Viral / Reverse / clanless
Why do you want to join in this Tournament: Pika needs the money to buy fifa17
Minecraft IGNs: Ristique, YungLeany, Finey
Skype: "cribdl"
Clan of any player: Radiant, Frenzy, Nebula
Why do you want to join in this Tournament: because we want to have some fun
ty; if any player of us is not gonna be able to play, can i add someone else in his place?Accepted, Good luck in the tourney
ty; if any player of us is not gonna be able to play, can i add someone else in his place?
Minecraft IGNs: Naipes - EneSReyiZ - ManiacNitro
Skype: merteren15
Clan of any player: Requine - Candy
Why do you want to join in this Tournament: for make some pvp