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Goodbye my lover, Goodbye my Friend. CoDsNo65 out.

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Jul 18, 2013
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Well I never thought I would see this coming and it makes me feel kind of sad to say this but it's my time to leave MCSG (Or whatever its called these days). I've been quite inactive for a while because of league and I've been enjoying league more than mcsg for a very long time and see more benefits at becoming good at league than playing mcsg. I'm sure not many people may know who I am but I'm really happy I;ve made a slight impact on mcsg especially in the AU region. Some milestones are.

Creating NuggetZ with juzzyy becoming one of the top clans in AU and got me recognized.

Becoming mod (to get demoted in a week)

Joined Phoenix after NuggetZ disbanded after darkrai202 started talking to me.

Became officer into co-owner into the owner for a month while darkrai was on hiatus. http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/phoenix-au-team.95765/

Gained over 1000 subscribers on youtube which at the time was the dream for me but I'll go into that in more detail later on.

Was apart of the biggest and most hyped clan battle in AU clan battle history, Phoenix vs Apex.

Reaching over 1500 wins.

I was really popular in the AU community and looking back I could have done a lot of good but I didn't realise it at the time. Just before I quitted last year I was raging so hard after losing one game. I felt as if I was almost expected to win all my games because that's how people saw me and I thought I was letting down my fans. At the same time whenever I died I would imagine some arrogant player, preaching that he beat snochet65 and that I'm trash which for some reason really pissed me off. I don't know why. I quit for awhile then got back into playing mcsg for trying to revive my youtube channel which sort of worked but going down from 800-250 was a hard hit for me and made me really upset that I quit playing mcsg the first time and my channel had so much potential. Eventually after getting back into the clan scene with darkrai again we joined sublime with the thought we would just steal all their good players to remake phoenix but things turned out differently and poets was made. Had so much potential but since me and nick (darkrai) became really inactive, it was bound to fall sometime. So that's when I played league more since I saw a massive skill drop as soon as I started playing mcsg over league. Now I've tryharded ranked on league instead and boom, plat 3 on 75 lp and so close to diamond.

Pretty brief but eh. I've done a story before so you can search that one up on the forums. It was fun while it lasted but things turned differently for me than what I had planned. If I was the person I am today back when my channel was booming I wonder where I would be now. I've become a whole different person because of MCSG. It changed my personality, view on life and increased my school grades. There's a lot of people I would like to mention who have been a huge part of my life because of mcsg (and honourable mentions)

XxBenchWarmerxX or whatever your alt forum account name is. Nick you are the very best friend I could have. We spent so much time together and it was not time wasted. You were an inspiration to me back when I was bad at video games and such a great friend when I was playing with you. You changed my life so much from that one game of icarus when you asked for my skype you have no clue how much. Even though my thoughts usually don't coincide very often with yours especially nowadays, you are truly a great friend and hope we can stay friends even after we've stopped playing video games.

juzzyy Oh you. We were so close back when we played together and made NuggetZ. You were a great friend and without you I wouldn't have had the opportunities that I had after NuggetZ. You acting against phoenix so, so much separated us which I didn't want up to the point I despised you and tried to undermine you because so many of my friends in phoenix were hurt because of you. I'm sorry for all that I did against you. Whenever you asked for help I manipulated it for the better of my friends in phoenix which was stupid and childish of me. I handled the situation so poorly. Good luck in the future man hope you the best career in being a big head.

le quack YEAH, THRID SPOT YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY. Oh the times we spent together quack were so much fun. We had a blast together just playing mcsg or battlefield which I remember to this day. Even with your problem with taking competitive minecraft too much to heart, you were a great friend and I couldn't think of you as anything else. I really do miss the times we spent together and a shame that a conflict of interest and region split us apart. I miss you quack ;c. I wish you the greatest future you can have.

Gustav Mahikano I thought you were a girl at first; still do. Even though I joined phoenix just as you were about to quit. When I started playing league you were a blast to play with, and I still enjoy playing with you to this day. Playing ranked with you on Billa and Nick's accounts to silver were so much fun seeing these useless bronze players while we carry them all. You are such a fantastic person to be around with especially in a group, you're just a naturally at lightening up the group making being with you so much fun. Even though our similar stubborn natures are pretty cancer when we get into an argument about "elo hell," you're a great dude and can't wait to play more video games with you in the future until school workloads takes us both away from the computer.

Billa We really didn't get to know each other that well whilst playing mcsg, but boy league is completely different. Me and mike used to play ranked together a lot and when he started to play less of league you started to play with me and blake more often. I started to support you and I saw a lot of potential in your gameplay. When I started playing with you I saw you as my adc main that I would always support and that's what happened. You've become an amazing LoL player and good friend of mine. Playing ranked with you is not only fun, but we both get higher in the ranks when we play. You've been there in the rare times I've been done and told me what I could improve in and couldn't thank you enough. Hopefully we can get to Master tier one day together. Kappa.

blakew447 idk what to say honestly. The guy through thick and thin, has played the most with me consistently. Once arch enemies now best friends (and I know you'll cringe on that one :p). You're a great guy, a good friend and someone who's always there to play video games with me whenever I come on. You are a great guy and you may have not changed my life like nick has; you mean as much to me as he does. I hope you the greatest future once we stop talking to each-other. You're a friend I will always remember.

Eskild | Xero Keep the phoenix name going man. I can't tahnk you enough for keeping the phoenix legend live as the old AU members die off. Ty dfg.

Honourable Mentions (in no particular order)
Every fan <3 (You guys meant so much to me I'm crying a bit right now just because I will miss your great support, Adios amigos)
Everyone else (I'm rly lazy but you all know who you are)

One finally comment before I leave for good I would just say one thing. Cherish everything you possibly can and take every opportunity you can. It will be worth it. Life is not worth wasting it on thinking about how annoying teams and hackers and trash talkers. Life is too short for that. Don't be like me. I will miss this place dearly.

Goodbye <3

PS: I would say more but I'm lazy like that.
Last edited:


Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
not even a mention ?_? i see how much you love me ;-;


Feb 7, 2015
Reaction score
Sad to see you go Cam. Good luck with your future endeavors! :) you will be sorely missed in the au community.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
It was sad the last time you left, and is sad again now ;c

Have fun in the rest of life ^-^


District 13
Mar 25, 2014
Reaction score
I never spoke with you but you seem like a really nice guy ^-^ Hope you have a nice rest of your life pal :- )


Feb 18, 2015
Reaction score
R.I.P Lol, GeorgeBjorn Dean got his account banned ages ago. xD

Gustav Mahikano

Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
Aww Cam you know how to make me tingly in my special place <3 In all seriousness, really happy I got to know you :) You're an awesome guy
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