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Good Bye :)


Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
Hello everyone, I know in the past I said I quit for good but I didn't but now I am, I really loved the community but it just hates me now, I was literally just voted kicked from Devine and I did nothing, half of them claimed to be my friends but I didn't really think they were :(

Here are a list of my best friends and people I really enjoyed talking to!

mikag35 I meet you through a game with BajanCanadian, I remember you taking out Bajan with full iron and A Diamond Sword xD, I never got to say goodbye to you :(

Brownieee one of my best friends I remember when me and you and Mr_Gears used to play together 1 year ago xD

Zaranium One of my best friends, meet you over 2 years ago and I will never forget you :)

ALL1DO1SW1N one of the best leaders I've ever had on MCSG cyanvolts was great!

Chris|Bro probably my second most favorite leader, I loved Organization until it ended :(

Valafia bye :(

SWAGBOII one of the first people I ever bought donor for xD see you late man

Bye guys, I hope everyone can forgive me when i comeback later, not tomorrow or the next day, I WILL STILL BE ON THE FORUMS BUT NO MORE PLAYING :(

swagtastic153 i loved you
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